The Department of Economics started functioning in the year 1966 with BA Programme in Economics. The department was upgraded as Post-Graduate department in 1979. The Department offers a regular full-time four semesters PG and six semesters UG programmes in Economics. The department maintains an effective tutorial system to foster healthy relationship among teachers and students. The department also provides remedial coaching for academically weak students. The total strength of the department is 220 students. Among them more than 90% are girls.
Enlightenment through Education for a Broader and Brighter Tomorrow
- Employ the state of Art technology to tide over socialistic scholastic difficulties
- Enable teachers to integrate innovations, with pedagogic discourse
- Encourage basic research and original thinking
- Ensure women and the depressed find their feet in the main stream
- Equip students with survival skills
- Enlarge their perspective and social outlook
- Enlighten and edify the large society through greater outreach
Courses Offered
- A. Economics
- A. Economics
Faculty Profile
At present the Department of economics has six full time teachers, consisting of one Associate Professor and five Assistant Professors. All the teachers are selected and appointed by the Kerala Public Service Commission. A brief profile of the faculty members of the department is given in the following table.
No | Name | Designation | Qualifications | Phone | ||
1 | Prasanna P.K | Associate Professor & Head of the Department | MA,B.Ed | | 9846783400 | ![]() |
2 | Amina Poovancheri | Asst. Professor | MA, B Ed, NET | | 9497564943 | ![]() |
3 | Sandhya K.P | Asst. Professor | M.A, NET, B Ed | | 7558891923 | ![]() |
4 | Jameela K | Asst. Professor | MA, NET, B. Ed | | 9744494937 | ![]() |
5 | Jyothi K.K | Asst. Professor | M.A. B.Ed. NET | | 9745474254 | ![]() |
6 | Nisha K.K | Asst. Professor | M.A, UGC NET | |
9946830545 | ![]() |
Publication Details of Faculty
Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | Title of the paper | National / International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Name of the publisher |
Raseens KK | Shanlax International Journal of Economics | Coir Industry, Trade reforms and export performance | International | November 2018, VOL. 6 Special Issue-1 | ISSN- 2319- 961X | Shanlax International Journal of Economics |
Bisha VK | Academic Studies ; national journal of jyothy research academy | Digital Money in India usage and hurdles | National Publication | 2018, VOL-12, Issue -2 July- December 2018 | ISSN-0975.461X | Jyothi Research Academy |
Raseena KK | Internation Journal of Research and Analytical Studies | Total Factor Productivity and its determinants: The case of selected coir industries in Kerala | International | VOL-6, Issue-1, January – march 2019 | EISSN-2348-1269, PRINT ISSN-2349-5138 | Internation Journal of Research and Analytical Studies |
Jameela K | Tathapi | Current Status of Muslim WomenEducation and occupation in Kerala | National | VOL-19, Issue-14, May 2020 | ISSN-2320-0693 | Tathapi |
Sandhya. KP | Social Dimensions of Green Economy and Sustainable development | Fallow land cultivation – A group approach | iNTERNATIONAL | 2017, ISSUE-2 | ISSN-2348-3369 | MES Mampad college ( Autonomous) |
Amina Poovancheri | MIRROR,
Peer Refereed International Research journal of commerce , management and social science |
Income and consumption Pattern of internal migrant workers of Kerala | International | Vol.8 No 4 june 2018 | ISSN 2249-8117
UGC Approved Journal ( No. 64272) |
Programme outcome
Economics is about choice and the impact of our choices on each other. It relates to every aspect of our lives; from the decisions we make as individuals or families to the structures created by governments and firms. The economic way of thinking can help us make better choices. An undergraduate degree in economics seeks to educate students about how choices are made by consumers, workers and firms, and how these decisions aggregate into economy-wide phenomena. At the same time, one should remember that Economics is not primarily a collection of facts to be memorized, though there are plenty of important concepts to be learned. Instead, economics is better thought of as a collection of questions to be answered or puzzles to be worked out. Most important, economics provides the tools to work out those puzzles. Learning about economics helps you understand the major problems facing the world today, prepares you to be a good citizen, and helps you become a well-rounded thinker. Among the phenomena that influence our society, those related to the economy attract much attention. Unemployment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, jobs, productivity, investment are terms encountered daily in the media. It is not always easy to unravel the mass of information which is conveyed. Economics is the discipline that seeks to understand such phenomena and analyse the relationships between them. More precisely, economics examines how a country’s resources are used to fulfil the needs of its citizens. It is concerned with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. A well trained economist develops many sensibilities and capacities to understand and improve the workings of various facets of life. The undergraduate program is designed to help produce economists who are socio-politically engaged, quantitatively adept, historically informed and philosophically grounded.
Aims and Objectives
The Bachelor’s degree Programme in Economics aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge that makes accurate analysis of the economic situation possible. Economics graduates must be able to understand the interrelation between the economy and society; to consider economic problems from a global perspective and take a local approach to solving them; to make connections between an economic system’s different components; to gauge the implications of decisions related to economic policy; and to respond to the economic problems arising from society in general and the different units that interact therein (e.g. institutions, private companies and sectors of the economy). The curriculum covers topics from expanding markets to the impact of 2008 global financial crisis. It provides an excellent background for those who plan careers in government and private enterprise as well as those pursuing graduate degrees in professional schools or in the field of economics
Programme Outcomes:
The learners are expected to demonstrate the following:
- Critically evaluate and apply the theories and techniques of economics.
- Demonstrate subject-specific ‘thinking’ skills that are readily transferable to problem solving and decision making in a wider context.
- Enhance their lifelong learning, employing a range of practical and professional skills.
- Find, evaluate, synthesize and use information from a variety of sources · Articulate an awareness of the social and community contexts within their disciplinary field.
This course is designed to expose first semester students, who may be new to economics, the basic principles of microeconomic theory. The emphasis will be on thinking like an economist and the course will illustrate how microeconomic concepts can be applied to analyse real-life situations.
1)to make understand about the core micro economic terms, concepts and theories
2)to equip the students to know about current market conditions around them
3)to evaluate their own behavior as consumers in different economic situations
Students will understand the core micro economic terms ,concepts and theories.
Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to conceptualise problems analytically.
Macroeconomics emerged as a separate discipline following the failure of classical economics to diagnose the reasons of the Great Depression in the 1930s. ‘The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money’ published by John Maynard Keynes in 1936 was the influential book which laid the foundation of Macroeconomics. Today, principles of macroeconomics help us understand the trends in aggregate variables like national income, employment, price level and investment. It also helps us explore and understand the determinants of short run fluctuations and long run movements in these variables. The course is designed to give a rigorous overview of macroeconomics to the undergraduate students. It will give the necessary ideas and tools to understand the working of an economy at the aggregate level. The course is also expected to give an idea about the need for and the way in which government intervention is required in a modern economy. After completing this course, the student will be able to appreciate the context in which Macroeconomics emerged as a separate discipline. The student will be able to explain how output and employment are determined in classical and Keynesian systems. Student should also be able to explain why actual output will fall short of the productive capacity of the economy.
1)to make students understand about the core macroeconomics terms concepts and theories
2)to help the students to understand about goods and factor market equilibrium
This help students to evaluate contemporary fiscal and monetary policies, inflation and unemployment.
Quantitative methods for economic analysis 1 and 2:
Students of economics should have sound quantitative skills to collect, analyse and interpret empirical data. They also require these skills for advanced studies in quantitative economics. Quantitative skills have become an essential toolkit for most branches of economics. This course is intended to provide students an introduction to quantities methods and tools that are used in the study of economics at the undergraduate level. The aim of this course is to develop skill in statistical and mathematical techniques that are required for a meaningful study of applied economics and for carrying out empirical their further study in most branches of economics.
1)to equip students with basic statistical tools for analysing economic problems
It develop the students ability to solve the various soco-economic problems easily
The course is designed to expose the learners to some of the key issues facing the Indian economy both at national and regional levels. In this process, as young adults, students are expected to be sensitised about these issues, appreciate and learn to critically assess the role of the government in various economic spheres. The learners are also exposed to numerical information relating to various aspects of Indian economy and India‘s economic policies. They are expected to develop analytical skills, interpret the economic events and visualise the economic future of India. For all these to happen, teachers are requested to take special care to instruct the students to read the suggested reference books, collect clippings and articles from newspapers and magazines and also develop the habit of following economic survey, economic review and RBI Bulletin. Besides, as against the conventional assignments, each module has ‘Suggested Additional Activities’ at the end. Teachers need to encourage the learners to explore beyond the texts while attempting these activities. Report Based on Study Tour: A study tour is recommended because it may add direct experience to learners about different economic culture of the country. All the final year students need to prepare a report of the tour that includes the places they visited, its importance etc and submit it to the Head of the Department soon after the completion of the tour.
1.To make aware the students about various govt. policies and programmes of the smooth functioning of an economy.
2.To make aware about the current challenges facing the Indian economy and what are the remedial measures.
To familiarise the students about the Kerala model of development
The students will aware about various govt.policies and programmes of the smooth functioning of an economy. They will aware about the current challenges facing the Indian Economy and also familiarise with the Kerala model of Development.
Mathematical economics is an approach where mathematical symbols and theorems are used for economic analysis. Modern economics is analytical and mathematical in structure. Thus, the language of mathematics has deeply influenced the whole body of the science of economics. Every student of economics must possess a good proficiency in the fundamental methods of mathematical economics. One of the significant developments in Economics is the increased application of quantitative methods and econometrics. A reasonable understanding of econometric principles is indispensable for further studies in economics.
- This course is aimed at introducing students to the most fundamental aspects of mathematical economics and econometrics.
- It also aims at developing critical thinking, and problem-solving, empirical research and model building capabilities of the student which will help them to build and test models in economics and related fields.
Students familiarise the most fundamental aspects of mathematical Economics and Econometrics.
They are capable of developing critical thinking, problem solving, empirical research and model building
This course is designed to introduce students to the exciting and challenging subject of economics of growth and development, which draws from several branches of economics. It intends to provide the theoretical framework for growth and development discourses under different schools of economic thoughts and also into better insights and knowledge on issues and challenges on economic development. It also aims to equip students with the ability to analyze the factors affecting the long run economic growth, both from a positive and negative sense.. After completing this course the student should also be able use theories of growth and development to analyze the problems of the developing world. The students are expected to develop an interrelated to approach to resource use.
1.It also aims to equip students with the ability to analyze the factors affecting the long run economic growth, both from a positive and negative sense.
2.student should also be able to use theories of growth and development to analyze the problems of the developing world.
3.The students are expected to develop an interrelated approach to resource use.
E equip students with the ability to analyze the factors affecting the long run economic growth, both from a positive and negative sense. They use theories of growth and development to analyze the problems of the developing world. They develop an interrelated approach to resource use.
International economics deals with the economic relations among nations — both trade and financial relations—A good understanding in international economics is necessary for a student of economics and those who wish to work in these areas or governmental organizations. The basic aim of this introductory course on international economics is to present before the students the questions, and answers, related to international economic relations. The students are expected to acquire skill that will help them to take rational decisions in issues related to international economics.
1.To enrich the students about various theories of international trade and theories of commercial policy.
2.To develop Knowledge about foreign exchange market and different foreign exchange rates and how these functions in various economies.
Students enriched with various theories of international trade and commercial policy.They get knowledge about foreign exchange market and different foreign exchange rates and how these functions in various economies.
This course is an open course which will be offered to only those students for whom Economics is not the core course.
1.To familiarise the students the subject matter of economics by familiarising with the most basic concepts of economics.
Students acquire knowledge about the subject matter of economics and also acquire knowledge about the basic concepts of Economics.
This course presents review of the history of economic thinking and economic analysis. The main goal of this course is to provide students with understanding of historical evolution of economic thought.
Objectives:- students are also led to familiarize with
- Developments in major field of economics,
- ii) Schools of thought in economics
iii) Works of some great economist from antiquity to contemporary times.
Student will be able to identify the major ideas associated with each group or thinker studied, and thereby the origins of contemporary theory are better comprehended. They are expected to place the theories and ideas studied within the context of the times in which they developed, evaluate different streams of economic thinking as well some personalities who had a major impact on the history of economic thought.
Students are also expected to identify theories that radically differ from modern mainstream theory, and thereby recognize that the theoretical basis of economics has been, and continues to be, contested.
In the present Globalised world financial institutions and markets play a significant role. The financial sector liberalization across the world including India has led to unprecedented growth in the financial sector, especially in the capital market, leading to the introduction of new and diversified financial instruments and financial practices, providing ample career opportunities to the students of economics. This course is designed to give an exposure to the students of economics to the changing world of financial markets and to give them an opportunity to familiarize with the basic concepts related to capital market which they read in newspapers and hear and see through electronic media in their daily walks of life. This course also aims at providing a platform to the students of economics in developing the skills required to take up a career in financial sector and to provide them an opportunity to think of higher studies in finance which may open them vast career opportunities in the field of finance.
1.To familiarise financial assets and Indian financial system and the weakness of Indian financial system.
2.To familiarise Capital market ,its Characteristics and Functions and Importance of Capital Markets in an economy and The structure of Indian capital market and also familiarise with the primary market.
Students familiar with financial assets and Indian financial system and the weakness of Indian financial system and also familiarise Capital market ,its Characteristics and Functions and Importance of Capital Markets in an economy and The structure of Indian capital market and also familiarise with the primary market.
This course intends to familiarize the students with the basic concepts in financial economics along with some of the basic models which are used to benchmark valuation of assets and derivatives. These include the CAPM, and the Binomial Option Pricing models. After completing this course, the student will be able to develop comprehensive knowledge on the role of finance in the operation of an economy. It also enables them to know the operation of the Indian Financial System and activities in the financial markets.
Objectives: –
- They familiarise with the Investment Theory and Structure of Interest rates.
- They also familiarise with the Valuation of Bonds and Securities. Risk and Return and also the Cost of Capital and Capital Asset Pricing Model and also with the Derivative Markets.
Students are able to understand with the Investment Theory and Structure of Interest rates and also familiarise with the Valuation of Bonds and Securities. Risk and Return and also the Cost of Capital and Capital Asset Pricing Model and also with the Derivative Markets.
Facilities in the Department
- Two Computers
- Internet Facility
- Six Laptops, Two LCD Projectors, Two Printers, one UPS
- Reference Books-364
Year | Title of Workshop/Seminar/ Extension Activities | Date(s) | Funding Agency |
2015-16 | National Seminar on India’s External sector after two decades of reforms
Educational Innovation Programme on research Methodology | 17/02/2016 & 27/02/2016
UGC XII Plan, 13000 | |
Street Play – Gender Discrimination | 11/03/2016 | UGC XII Plan,6500 | |
Training Programme –Extension Programme | 01/03/2016
30/03/2016 |
UGC XII Plan , 16500 | |
Educational innovation Programme | 7300 | UGC Sponsored | |
Coin Exhibition | 01/03/2016
10500 |
In Association with Walk with Scholar | |
Extension Programme, -Survey at Orphanage | 1/1/2016 | UGC XII Plan, 3000 | |
Extension Activities – Capital Market | 8/3/2016 | UGC XII Plan 7000 | |
Career Guidance Programme In collaboration with Akbar travels of India | |||
2016-17 | Talk on Demonitisation | Department of Economics | |
Field Visit
30/12/2016 | Visit to Abhayam old Age Home | |
Budget Discussion | Economics Association | ||
2017-18 | Debates on Indian Macroeconomics | 18-19 December | DCE |
Inter collegiate Quiz Competition | |||
Budget Discussion | Department of Economics | ||
Financial Literacy Programme | Shasthrayan
2018-19 | Structural Transformation in the Indian Economy; Trends, Patterns and Implications- National Seminar | 30/10/2018
31/10/2018 |
Workshop on SPSS
Department of Economics | |
Workshop on SPSS
13/04/2019 | Department of Economics | |
Inter collegiate Poster making Competition | 12/07/2018 | Department of Economics | |
Budget Discussion | Department of Economics | ||
2019-20 | Time of Serious Economic Turmoil; Role of Economics and Economists | 28/10/2019
29/10/2019 |
Average enrolment Percentage (Average of last five years) (2015-16 to 2020-21) | |||
2015-16 | |||
Programme name | Programme Code | Number of seats sanctioned | Number of Students admitted |
BA ECONOMICS | CBCSS2014 | 40+14 | 54 |
MA ECONOMICS | CUCSS-PG-2010 | 10+3 | 13 |
2016-17 | |||
Programme name | Programme Code | Number of seats sanctioned | Number of Students admitted |
BA ECONOMICS | CBCSS2014 | 40+24 | 60 |
MA ECONOMICS | CUCSS-PG-2010 | 10+9 | 19 |
2017-18 | |||
Programme name | Programme Code | Number of seats sanctioned | Number of Students admitted |
BA ECONOMICS | CBCSS2014 | 40+20 | 57 |
MA ECONOMICS | CUCSS-PG-2010 | 10+10 | 20 |
2018-19 | |||
Programme name | Programme Code | Number of seats sanctioned | Number of Students admitted |
BA ECONOMICS | CBCSS2014 | 40+20 | 54 |
MA ECONOMICS | CUCSS-PG-2010 | 10+9 | 19 |
2019-20 | |||
Programme name | Programme Code | Number of seats sanctioned | Number of Students admitted |
UG | CBCSSUG2019 | 40+20 | 59 |
PG | CBCSSPG2019 | 10+10 | 20 |
2020-21 | |||
Programme name | Programme Code | Number of seats sanctioned | Number of Students admitted |
UG | CBCSSUG2019 | 40+23 | 61 |
PG | CBCSSPG2019 | 10+12 | 22 |
Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy) during the last five years
Year | Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI or State Government rule | Number of students admitted from the reserved category | ||||||
SC | ST | OBC | Gen | Others(PH &SPORTS | SC | ST | OBC | |
2015 | 8 | 2 | 11 | 29 | 2+2 | 11 | 35 | |
2016 | 9 | 3 | 12 | 31 | 3+2 | 14 | 3 | 37 |
2017 | 9 | 3 | 12 | 30 | 1+2 | 9 | 3 | 30 |
2018 | 7 | 2 | 11 | 29 | 2+3 | 9 | 2 | 34 |
2019 | 9 | 3 | 12 | 33 | 3+2 | 10 | 3 | 30 |
2020 | 9 | 3 | 12 | 33 | 3+3 | 13 | 3 | 38 |
MA ECONOMICS | ||||||||
2015 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 4 | 0 | 6 | |
2016 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 3 | 0 | 10 | |
2017 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 4 | 0 | 12 | |
2018 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 10 |
2019 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 4 | 0 | 11 | |
2020 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 1+1 | 4 | 0 | 11 |
Average pass percentage of Students during last five years | |||||
Year | Program Code | Program Name | Number of students appeared in the final year examination | Number of students passed in final year examination | Pass Percentage |
2015-16 | CBCSS2014 | BA ECONOMICS | 41 | 37 | 90.2% |
2016-17 | CBCSS2014 | BA ECONOMICS | 38 | 38 | 100% |
2017-18 | CBCSS2014 | BA ECONOMICS | 47 | 44 | 94% |
2018-19 | CBCSS2014 | BA ECONOMICS | 48 | 38 | 80% |
2019-20 | CBCSSUG2019 | 42 | 42 | 100% | |
2015-16 | CUCSS-PG-2010 | MA ECONOMICS | 16 | 16 | 100% |
2016-17 | CUCSS-PG-2010 | MA ECONOMICS | 11 | 11 | 100% |
2017-18 | CUCSS-PG-2010 | MA ECONOMICS | 19 | 19 | 100% |
2018-19 | CUCSS-PG-2010 | MA ECONOMICS | 16 | 16 | 100% |
2019-20 | CBCSSPG2019 | MA ECONOMICS | 17 | 15 | 88.2% |
Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years |
Year | Name of student placed and contact details | Program graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details | Pay package at appointment |
2015-16 | Unnikrishnan v b,,8943214488,Assistant professor | MA ECONOMICS | At.marys college puthanangadi | 17000 |
2016-17 | Vishnulal,6238801512, | BA ECONOMICS | BANGLORE | 30000 |
2017-18 | fathimathu rubiya ,, | MA ECONOMICS | Online economic tutor ,Teacher ON agency, Hyderabad | 30000 |
2017-18 | Ramees K M | BA ECONOMICS | Asianpaints.Ltd | |
2015-16 | PREETHI T | MA ECONOMICS | Fazal , The principal , Zakiyyah women’s academy , Lakkidi koottupatha | HSST |
2017-18 | Muhammad shebeer pk | MA ECONOMICS | Customer service co ordinator,Al hilal hospital Bahrain, | |
2018-19 | ASHRAF C | BA ECONOMICS | Sinfa marketing (FMCG products), | 12000 |
2016-17 | SUJITHA KP | BA ECONOMICS | Koothuparambil chathanur NURSE | 8000 |
2017-18 | Athira. P | MA ECONOMICS | Truth way edu-campus valanchery | 8000 |
2016-17 | Jiji | MA ECONOMICS | Online tutor, 18000 | 18000 |
Average percentage of students progressing to higher education during the last five years
SI No | Name of student enrolling into higher education | Name of institution joined | |
1 | Saranya mp | IASE THRISSUR | B Ed |
2 | ROHINI. E. P | Kerala state civil service academy | COACHING FOR CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION |
3 | Archana M | Dr John matthai Centre, thrissur | MA ECONOMICS |
6 | Vishnulal | BANGLORE | OTHERS |
8 | FATHIMATH RUBIYA | Civils360 Online IES Test Series | COACHING FOR NET EXAM |
9 | AMRITHAS | Dr John matthai Centre, thrissur | MA ECONOMICS |
11 | Unnikrishnan v b | NASEEM ACADEMY | COACHING FOR NET EXAM |
13 | Harsha P | Sree Swami Vivekananda Centre Of Teachers Education ,mayilumpuram,Ottapalam | B Ed |
14 | RESMI P | Little Flower College, Guruvayoor | MA ECONOMICS |
20 | Athira P | Unacademy online psc coaching | PSC COACHING |
21 | Afeefa. P | ICS India | COMPUTER COURSE |
22 | Soniya p j | Little flower College guruvayoor | MA ECONOMICS |
23 | Soniya p j | Ansar training college perumpilavu | B Ed |
24 | Archana komallur | Indira gandhi open university | MA |
26 | Sukanya mp | SNGS COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
27 | Ramees K M | CII | OTHERS |
28 | Abhirami k s | KE College,Mannanam,Kottayam | MA ECONOMICS |
29 | Jisha | Tirur co operative trainning college | OTHERS |
32 | ATHIRA A | Salaffiya b.Ed training college,karinganad | B Ed |
33 | KEERTHANA P | Sree vivekanada teacher education centre | B Ed |
34 | PREETHI T | Sree Swamy vivekananda centre of teacher education , mayilumpuram | B Ed |
35 | SUDHEESH P | Government college chittur | MA ECONOMICS |
36 | SUDHEESH P | Mar osthatheos training college perumbilavu | B Ed |
38 | Ipsita nandan | SNGS COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
41 | Saranya M | Dr John matthai centre, university of calicut, thrissur | Mphil |
42 | Indira manikandan | MES PONNANI COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
43 | Fathimathu Sahana. K | SNGS COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
45 | PRASEENA N | N.s.s training college, ottappalam | B Ed |
46 | BINDU C | NSS Training college Ottapalam | B Ed |
47 | Sarika k s | SNGS COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
48 | VISMAYA AK | NSS College Ottapalam | MA ECONOMICS |
50 | Sreelakshmi k | SNGS COLLEGE | MAECONOMICS |
51 | Vaisakh pk | SNGS COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
52 | ATHIRA KP | Ansar training college perumbilav | B Ed |
54 | SREEDEVI O P | Sree kerala varmma college trissur | MA ECONOMICS |
58 | DIVYA SREE | N. S. S training college ottappalam | B Ed |
61 | VYSHNAVI KS | MA ECONOMICS | Sakthan thampuran college |
62 | SRUTHI M | Le-ment College of Management and Arts | MA ECONOMICS |
63 | SILA V | Kerala state rutronix ,career hub,cherpulaseri | COMPUTER COURSE |
64 | SNEHA MADHAVAN | NSS College Ottappalam | MA ECONOMICS |
66 | Jyothisha t | SNGS COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
67 | SEESHMA P | Lement arts and science college pattambi | MA ECONJ0MICS |
69 | RESHMA CP | Ace psc coaching center pattambi | PSC COACHING |
70 | SRUTHY | COACHING FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION | Cooperative training college Tirur, |
72 | SUJITHA KP | Navodhaya nursing college ottapalam | VOCATIONAL COURSE |
73 | SONIYA PJ | Little flower College guruvayoor | MA |
76 | ASNATH | Mar dionysius college Pazhanji | MA ECONOMICS |
78 | SUMAYYA CA | Brilliance Pattambi | PSC COACHING |
79 | Jyothilakshmi k p | SNGS COLLEGE | MA ECONOMICS |
81 | DEEPTHI KP | Monti interview institute of management studies | OTHERS |
82 | SRUTHI.T.R | Ace institution Edappal | PSC COACHING |
Average percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years
SI NO | Year | Examination Passed with Reg No | Name of the student |
1 | 2015-16 | UGC NET (2018) KL1805502367 | UNNIKRISHNAN V B |
2 | 2015-16 | NET,037001123 | RAMYA PR |
3 | 2015-16 | SET , KTET , CTET | PREETHI T |
4 | 2015-16 | UGC NET (2018) KL1805502367 | UNNIKRISHNAN V B |
5 | 2016-17 | NET | SAJITH M |
6 | 2016-17 | NET | SHAHANA |
7 | 2016-17 | National Eligibility Test for Asistant Professor, Reg. No. 190520225626, 2019 | ATHIRA P |
8 | 2016-17 | NET | SAJITH M |
9 | 2018-19 | NET | FATHIMATHUL ASMIYA |
10 | 2018-19 | NET – KL15501759, 2019, | FATHIMATH RUBIYA |
12 | 2018-19 | NET | ASNA P |
13 | 2018-19 | NET | NIMISHA |
14 | 2018-19 | NET | VIJISHA |
15 | 2019-20 | KTET 2 , 607428,june2019 | ATHIRA A |
16 | 2019-20 | STATE ELIGIBILITY TEST – 2019 | KAVITHA M |
17 | 2019-20 | KTET III(2019)Roll No:710557, SET (2019) Roll No:19060012 | HARSHA P |
18 | 2019-20 | NET – | ATHIRA S |
19 | 2019-20 | NET- CSIR | VISHNU |
20 | 2019-20 | NET | JIJI |
Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level
5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years.(20) | |||||
Year | Name of the award/ medal | Team / Individual | University/State/National/ International | Sports/ Cultural | Name of the student |
2015-16 | |||||
2016-17 | Best Actor | Individual | Calicut University | Cultural | Vishnulal |
2016-17 | Intercollegiate quiz competition, 1 st prize, university level | Individual | Calicut University | Quiz competition | FATHIMATH RUBIYA |
Foot ball
C zone |
Team | university | sports | Ramees K M | |
2018 | Cricket
C Zone runners up |
Team | University | Sports | MOHAMMED SHABEER PK |
2019 | A-Grade for essay writing in A-Zone University arts | Infividual | University | ASHRAF C | |
2017-18 | Wushu- Gold medal | Individual | National | Sports | Saranya Das KS |
2017-18 | TAOLU: NANQUAN CATEGORY – Gold Medal | Individual | Inter Zonal | sports | Saranya Das KS |
2018-19 | Cricket- Women-2 end Place | Team | Interzone | Sports | Saranya Das KS |
2018-19 | TAOLU: NANQUAN CATEGORY – Gold Medal | Individual | Interzonal | Sports | Saranya Das KS |
2018-19 | Kalaripayattu- valpayattu- 3rd Place | Team | inter Zonal | Sports | Saranya Das KS |
2018-19 | Rugby- 3rd place | Team | State | Sports | Saranya Das KS |
2018-19 | Chess- Men- 2 end Place | Team | Interzone | Games | Arjun Das CP |
2019-20 | First Place in Sanshou-Gold medal | Individual | Interzone | Sports | Swethamadhav. KV |
2019-20 | Kalaripayattu- valpayattu- 3rd Place | Team | Inter Zonal | sports | Saranya Das KS |
2019-20 | Cricket- Women-2 end Place | Team | InterZonal | sports | Saranya Das KS |
2019-20 | Rugby ( Men)- 3rd Place | Team | Interzone | Sports | Vishnu Radhakrishnan K |
Research Activities
- Analysis of Socio Economic Status of Internal Migrant workers in Kerala: A case study of Malappuram District” by Amina Poovancheri – PhD thesis submitted to MG University on 05/02/2021
- Major/Minor Projects
Ashraf Panancheri | Economics | 2013-14 | 115000 | 1.5 years | UGC | Government |
Raseena KK | Economics | 2013-14 | 80000 | 1.5 Years | UGC | Government |
- National Seminar on India’s External sector after two decades of reforms
The deterioration in India’s current account has led to a serious of debates in the policy arena relating to sustainability, the importance of exchange rates in influencing the trade balance and the role of high and raising inflation against this background. The seminar takes a step back and analyses the performance of the external sector in India since 1990. Given the fact that India’s share in global exports isles than 2 percent , to carve out a higher world’s exports in very much . in the realms of possibility even if the world output and the trade move up slowly hence stress should be given on merchandise trade as well in which India has been a relative under performer over the years.
As many as 37 teachers participants including the 4 resource persons and 39 PG students from various departments of this college as well as from outside the college participated the seminar. Prof. Prasanna PK HOD of economics welcome the delegates and participants of the seminar followed by the inauguration which was solemnized by the principal of the college Mrs. Anitha Kumari PN at 9.30 am. There were four technical sessions and valedictory session. The topics; FDI in India: Recent trends, Economic reforms and external sector The case of capital goods in India, Illegal trade from India, Trade reforms’ in India are the main theme of discussion. The valedictory session commenced at 4.30 pm , the Principal of the college Ms. PN Anitha Kumari distributed the duty and participation certificate. The coordinator Raseena KK extended the vote of thanks and the Programme was concluded at 5 pm.
- Workshop on Research Methodology
Competence building initiatives
The Department of Economics conducted SPSS workshop on research methodology as part of Competence building initiative, sponsored by UGC XII Plan on 15/10/2015.The programme started at 9.30 with welcome speech by Prasanna PK , HOD Economics, presided over by ,Dr P.N Anithakumari, the Principal. The session was handled by The session was handled by Dr. Jins Varky. Assistant Professor of Economics, St. Alocious College, Elathuruthy. Eighteen students and four teachers of Department of Economics participated in the Programme.
- Educational Innovation Programme on research Methodology
Department of Economics organized an Education Innovation Programme on Research Methodology on 17/02/2016 and 27/02/2016, as part of Research Methodology Course and PG Dissertation in MA Economics sponsored by UGC XII Plan The Programme conducted in two days .The first day programme was dealt with theoretical aspects of Educational innovational Techniques and second part was focused on hands on training on the same.
The inaugural session of the Programme started at 9.30 am. The session was presided by Mrs. Prasanna PK, HOD, Economics and inaugurated by Dr. PN Anitha Kumari, the Principal. The session was handled by Dr. Vimala. M, Assistant Professor of Economics, Vimala College, Thrissur. Thirty two students and six teachers of Department of Economics participated in the Programme.
As the dissertation work is compulsory for MA Economics students, the Programme on Educational innovation Technique was highly beneficial for the targeted group. The students got new insights into the techniques and procedures in connection with data collection, extraction, analysis and interpretation.
- Extension Programme, -Survey at Orphanage
The programme was conducted on 01/01/2016 35 students of second year BA Economics with two teachers of our Department visited an Orphanage called Abhayam at Koppam and conducted a Survey among the inmates of Orphanage.
2.Coin Exhibition
In Association with Walk with Scholar , the department of Economics conducted a coin exhibition on 01/03/2016 at center courtyard. Coins of different nations and different centuries are exhibited. The students also demonstrated their coins in the exhibition
3.Extension Activities – Capital Market
Department of Economics organized a talk on Capital market and its benefits to the public on 08/03/2016 funded by UGC. Prof. Vijaya Kumar , Investment Strategist at Geogit handled the session
4.Street Play – Gender Discrimination
The Department of Economics conducted an extension and Street Play on Gender Discrimination on 11/03/2016 sponsored by UGC by participating the students of BA Economics of SNGS College at Lement College Pattambi and Oriental Higher Secondary School, Pattambi.The programme aimed to provide an awarenesss about the need of gender equality at home and society. It was coordinated by PK Prasanna, the HOD of Department of Economics. The targeted group realized the fact that how far the gender inequality prevails in our surroundings and how to keep equality in between male and female .
5.Training Programme – Extension Programme- 21st century Guru
The department of Economics conducted an extension training programme for teachers, on 01/03/2016 and 30/03/2016 funded by UGC. The training programme on soft skills conducted in two spells. The first part oriented the theoretical frame worke of developing soft skills. and the second day practical aspects of the skill development and interpersonal relationships, programme was attended by 35 faculties of our college.
6. Career Guidance Programme In collaboration with Akbar travels of India
The department of economics conducted a Career guidance programme in collaboration with Akbar Travels of India on 22.03.2016. the programme was designed for the final year BA Economics students. A 3 member team under the leadership of Sri.Nisar.A, manager and motivational trainer of Akbar Travels talked to the students and informed them of the various opportunities available for UG students. though the stress of the programme was mainly on travel , tourism and logistics, the programme was very useful for the students as they also talked about other opportunities. the programme was attended by 44 students of final year BA Economics.
- Talk on Demonetization
The department organized a talk on Demonetization and its possible impact on Indian economy on 12.01.2017. Sr.Brijesh.N.S , Assistant Professor Department of Economics, Govt College Chittur was the resource person invited. the programme was inaugurated by the Principal of the college and chaired by the HoD of Economics. The programme was attended by entire students of the department.
- 2. Field Visit 30/12/2016 Visit to Abhayam old Age Home
Abhayam is an NGO located in Koppam, Palakkad district. as a method of familiarizing students with the problems of aged people a visit was conducted to the institution. 40 students participated in the programme. There was plenty of personal interaction. The students spent the entire day with the inmates, had food and performed various cultural and mingling activities.
- Budget Discussion
Department of economics conducted a Discussion on Union Budget presented by the Finance Minister on 17/03/2016. The four students from fourth semester PG class presented the main highlights of the Budget and students of PG and UG are actively participated in the discussion. Mrs. Jameela K, faculty of the Department of Economics coordinated the discussion.
- Debates on Indian Macroeconomics 18-19 December
Theme of seminar: Growth of an economy is orchestrated by the conduct of Macroeconomic policy. Indian economy has seen major changes in the last 25 years. The pace has only quickened in the last couple of years. Financial sector in general and banking in particular has been undergoing massive changes under the leadership of RBI. Bankruptcy code and implementation of Goods and Services Tax is expected to complement Macroeconomic policies. The economy has been able to withstand global issues like recession, political turmoil and deteriorating exchange rate of developing countries. But at the same time, raising NPAs of commercial banks threatens to affect Macroeconomic stability through its impact on private sector investments. There have been frequent verbal exchanges between the Finance minister and RBI Governor. Under these circumstances, functioning of RBI, conduct of monetary policy and inflation-growth trade off has emerged as major areas of debates. In this context, the post graduate department of Economics, Sree Neelakanta Government Sanskrit College, Pattambi conducted a seminar titled, ‘Debates on Indian Macroeconomics’.
Participation: The seminar was marked by massive participation from both within and outside the institution. In total there were 41 teacher participants of which one was from outside the state. Out of the 41 teacher participants, 13 were from inside the college and the rest 28 were from outside the institution. There were a total of 65 student participants. Out of the 65, 37 were from within the institution while 28 were from different colleges like Vimala College, Thrissur, MES Asmabi College and Sri C Achutha Menon College Kuttanellur.
Inaugural Session: The inaugural session was from 9 30 AM to 10 AM. College Principal Smt. Prasanna P K inaugurated the seminar. She stressed on the importance of Macroeconomic policy and what was expected from the seminar. The session was preided over by the HoD of the Department Smt Raseena K K. Dr Rajesh PN, Assistant professor of Economics and coordinator of the seminar made the welcome speech. Dr Sathian M, Assistant, Profesor and Syndicate member and Sri Mahesh Lal, College Union chairman made felicitation speeches. The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Smt K P Sandhya, Assistant Professor of Economics of the Department.
1st Technical Session: The first technical session of the seminar was handled by Dr Visakha Varma, retired principal and Associate professor of Economics. He dealt with the various nuances of monetary policy and historically traced the monetary policy in India. The session was chaired by Smt Jameela K K, Assitant Professor of Economics, of the college. The session was marked by active participation by delegates. The session commenced at 10 AM and concluded at 1 PM.
2nd Technical session: The second technical session was handled by Sri Thomas Mathew, Assistant Professor of Economics at PMGC, Chalakkudy. The topic was ‘Inflation Framework; a theoretical Review’. The session was chaired by Sri Manikandan K, Assistant professor of Economics at Government College, Thripunithura. Sri Mathew discussed in detail about the Philip’s curve relation. The theoretical part of the phenomenon was understood in detail by the delegates. The session commenced at 1 30 PM and concluded at 4 30 PM.
3rd Technical Session: Third technical session commenced on the morning of the second day. The first session was led by Prof. Bandi Kamaiah, retired dean at School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad. The session was chaired by Dr Rajesh P N, Assitant Professor of Economics, Sree Neelakanta Government Sanskrit College, Pattambi. The participants made use of the opportunity of hearing an eminent academician of the status of Prof. Bandi Kamaiah. He dealt with ‘Recent Issues with Central Banking’. Current issues with regard to autonomy, structure of monetary policy committee, monetary policy transmission etc. were discussed in detail during the session. The session commenced at 9 30 AM and concluded at 12 30 PM.
4th Technical session: The 4th and the last technical session was handled by Dr PK Sujathan, Assistant Professor of Economics, GVC Palakkad. The session was chaired by Sri Muhammed Rasheed V, Assistant Professor of Economics, Farook College (Autonomous) Kozhikode. Dr Sujathan talked about ‘Inflation targeting in India’, which is the prime objective of RBI. The session was also marked by active participation by the delegates. The session commenced at 1 PM and concluded at 4 PM.
Valedictory session: Certificates were handed out to the delegates and resource persons in the Valedictory session. The session commenced at 4 PM and was concluded at 4 30PM.
- Inter collegiate Quiz Competition
An intercollegiate Quiz Competititon was conducted on 11/09/2017, students from different colleges participated in the competition as team.Mrs. Sandhya PK of Department of Economics was the Quize master. Certificates and prizes are distributed at the end of the Programme.
- Budget Discussion
Department of economics conducted a Discussion on Union Budget presented by the Finance Minister on 12/03/2018. The students from fourth semester PG class presented the main highlights of the Budget and students of PG and UG are actively participated in the discussion. Mrs. Prof.Prasanna PK, HOD of the Department of Economics coordinated the discussion.
- Financial Literacy Programme : Shasthrayan
As part of Shastrayan 2018, The Dept of Economics conducted different programs.The programme was a great experience to the faculty, students and the public .The total programs were divided among different classes.Programmes were made in 3 different stalls.The programs under different heads were apt for describing the world economy in general and Indian Economy in particular.
History and development of Indian Economy was done by the first year students.The cartoon showing the India-Pak partition was eye catching.The second year students made different presentations about problems faced by Indian Economy.visual presentation about the severity of the problem of poverty was attractive.Importance of different sectors in our economy was also made.Final year students concentrated on the evaluation of budget.Students also made presentation about the current budget.A coin exhibition ,banking and insurance help desk and a quiz programme were also conducted.Our students familiarized the banking procedures to the students and small gifts were given to the successful candidates who had successfully completed the mock procedure.Fourth semester PG Students presented the major projects undertaken by the India and the impact on our economy.For the winners of the quiz competition ,Prizes were distributed .Besides different models ,pictorial representations relevant to the theme were also presented.The programme was a success as it had proven the participation of students and the public.Thus the programme Shastrayan gave the students to develop creative thinking and to develop cooperation and coordination
Report of National Seminar – “Structural transformation in the Indian Economy:trends,patterns and implications”
Theme of seminar:
Indian Economy underwent a gradual and progressive structural transformation driving the path from agriculture to non agricultural sectors .This growth has long term implications for equity, sustainability and welfare .The agricultural sector declined its share, the industry in stagnating its share and the emergence of service sector is emerging the main driver of growth. Even then there is a paradoxical impact upon the generation of employment opportunities and pattern of growth with structural breaks. On this background, PG Department of Economics, SNGS College, Pattambi organised DCE sponsored Two Day National Seminar on the topic “Structural Transformation in the Indian Economy : Trends ,Pattern and Implications” on 30/10/2018 and 31/10/2018
Participation: The seminar was marked by massive participation from both within and outside the institution. In total there were 129 participants. 53participants from teacher/researchscholoar category. Among them 3 were from outside the state. Out of the 53 teacher/researchscholoar category, 15 were from within the institution .Among the students , 76 students were registered. Among them 30 students were from with in the institution and 46 students were from outside the institutions like Dr John Mathai Centre , Department of economics ,University of Calicut Thrissur,,NSS College, Ottaplam , MES Asmabi College and Govt College Chittur.
Inaugural Session: The inaugural session was from 9 30 AM to 11 AM. Honourable member of Parliament , Palakkad constituency MB Rajesh inaugurated the seminar. He delivered an indepthful talk by stressing on the importance of Neo liberal policies and its impact upon the economy and how it causes inequality with the help of statistical data. The session was précided over by Dr Sheela S, Principal ,SNGS College Pattambi .Smt Prasanna P K, HOD of Department of Economics made the Welcome Speech. Dr Roy KB ,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry ,College Union chairman M J Sudheesh made felicitation speeches. The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Smt K P Sandhya, Assistant Professor of Economics and Co.Ordinator of the seminar.
1st Technical Session: The first technical session of the seminar was handled by Dr C T Vidya ,Assistant Professor of Economics , Centre for Economic and Social Studies Hyderabad . She handled the session with key note address by focusing on Growth of Indian Economy With Structural breaks . She also discussed the International Economic Scenario Of Indian Economy with special reference to export performance. The session was marked by active participation by delegates. The session commenced at 11 .10 AM and concluded at 12.40 PM. MS Rubiya, student of MA Economics , expressed the vote of thanks.
2nd Technical session: The second technical session was handled by Sri Rahul V Kumar , Assistant Professor , NSS College Ottapalam .The topic was ‘Understanding Structural change : theories and implications’ The session was chaired by Smt Manju Varghese , Assistant professor of Economics at Government College, Chittur. Sri Rahul discussed in detail about Development of Growth Theories. The theoretical part of the phenomenon was understood in detail by the delegates. The session commenced at 1. 15 PM and concluded at 3 PM..After that one time was allotted to the paper presenters. The first day ended with the paper presentations at 4.30 pm
3rd Technical Session: Third technical session commenced on the morning of the second day. The first session was led by Dr D ShyjaN. The session was chaired by Dr Jeeja KS, Assitant Professor of Economics, Govt Victoria College, Palakkad. The participants made use of the opportunity of hearing an eminent academician of the status of Dr D shyjan with respect to the Service sector in the Indian Economy. He dealt with Current issues facing by the Indian economy through the Structural transformation . The session commenced at 9 30 AM and concluded at 11 AM.
4th Technical session: The 4th technical session was handled by Dr Vimala M, Assistant Professor of Economics, Vimala College ,Thrissur. The session was chaired by Smt Sitara V Attokaran,, Assistant Professor of Economics, Vimala College.(Autonomous) . Dr Vimala discussed in detail about the changing Scenario of Indian agriculture. The session was also marked by active participation by the delegates as well as students. Ms Athira T of MA Economics expressed their gratitude . The session commenced at 11.10 AM and concluded at 12.45 PM.
5th Technical session
The 5 th session was handled by Dr Jisha K.K ,Assistant Professor,Got Victoria College.The session was chaired by Dr PK Sujathan of the same college. Her talk was concentrated on the industrial aspects. She discussed elaborately about the reflections of the structural changes upon the industrial sector. The session started at 1.20 pm and ended at that one hour time was allotted for the paper presenters.
Valedictory session: Certificates were handed out to the delegates and resource persons in the Valedictory session. The session commenced at 4 PM and was concluded at 4 30PM.
- Workshop on SPSS 15/10/2018
PG Department of Economics, SNGS College , Pattambi
Report on Workshop on SPSS
Department of Economics organized a Workshop on SPSS on 15/10/2018, as part of Research Methodology Course and PG Dissertation of MA Economics. The Programme was dealt with both theoretical practical aspects of SPSS. The inaugural session of the Programme started at The session was presided by Mrs. Prasanna PK, HOD, Economics and inaugurated by Dr. Sheela S the Principal. The session was handled by Dr. Jins Varky. Assistant Professor of Economics, St. Alocious College, Elathuruthy. Twenty students and four teachers of Department of Economics participated in the Programme.
As the dissertation work is compulsory for MA Economics students, the workshop on SPSS was highly beneficial for the targeted group. The students got new insights into the techniques and procedures in connection with analysis and interpretation of data. it was an encouraging session to MA Economics students to use the package for analysis of their PG dissertation.
- Workshop on SPSS , 13/04/2019
Report on Workshop on SPSS
Department of Economics organized a Workshop on SPSS on 13/04/2019,as part of Research Methodology Course and PG Dissertation in MA Economics. The Programme was dealt with both theoretical practical aspects of SPSS. The inaugural session of the Programme started at 9.30 am. The session was presided by Mrs. Prasanna PK, HOD, Economics and inaugurated by Dr. Jothiraj J the Principal. The session was handled by Dr.Sujathan .Assistant Professor of Economics, Govt Victoria College, Palakkad . Eighteen students and two teachers of Department of Economics participated in the Programme.
As the dissertation work is compulsory for MA Economics students, the workshop on SPSS was highly beneficial for the targeted group. The students got new insights into the techniques and procedures in connection with analysis and interpretation of data. it was an encouraging session to MA Economics students to use the package for analysis of their PG dissertation.
- Inter collegiate Poster making Competition, 12/07/2018
The department of Economics conducted a n Intercollegiate poster making competition on 12/07/2018. The students from different colleges participated in the competition.
- Budget Discussion
Department of economics conducted a Discussion on Union Budget presented by the Finance Minister on 15/03/2019. The three students from fourth semester PG class presented the main highlights of the Budget and students of PG and UG are actively participated in the discussion. Dr. Rajesh, faculty of the Department of Economics coordinated the discussion.
Theme of the seminar
Now Indian Economy is facing serious economic crisis. The world Economy is also under severe stress.It has been considered as the most severe downturn after the Great Depression of 1930s.India’s GDP growth has slowed down to 5% the lowest in six years,instantly triggering a gloomy mood across sectors ,which was already under pressure due to weak consumer demand and a credit squeeze from 2018.The Indian automobile sector,the fourth largest in the world in terms of sales, has been facing deep wounds for the last 10 months on account of declining demand. The situation is similar, if not serious, in few other sectors as real estate and banking.
Aim of the Seminar
Post graduate Department of Economics,Sree Neelakanta Govt.Sanskrit College Pattambi has organized the two day National Seminar on “Time of Serious Economic Turmoil: Role of Economics and Economists “on October 28 to 29 2011.The seminar aims to introduce the expertise of various scholars in the field of economics before the PG students, research scholars and faculties of this and nearby colleges.
Inaugural session
Dr.P k Prasanna ,HOD of Economics welcomed the delegates and participants of the seminar. This is followed by the presidential address of the principal of the college Dr.Jothiraj.M.He mentioned about the importance of seminars to be organized so as to motivate the research scholars and creating a platform for open discussion. He also congratulate the Dept. of Economics for selecting such a recent topic in Economics. The seminar was officially inaugurated by MB Rajesh(Ex.MP ,Palakkad loksabha constituency) at 9.15am.He also congratulated the Dept. of Economics for selecting such a recent in Economics .The inauguration was followed by felicitation by IQAC co-ordinator H k Santhosh and college union chairman Abhijit Lakshmanan. After that smt.Jameela.k,Assistant Professor of Economics,SNGS college Pattambi and co-ordinator of the seminar expressed vote of thanks to all the dignitaries on behalf of the Economics Dept. After that Dr.C. Krishnan,HOD of Department of Economics,Central university of South Bihar gave the keynote address of the seminar from9.45 am to 11.15 am.
Technical session1.
Started at 11.15 am immediately after the Keynote address. The session was chaired by smt. Raseena.kk, Assistant professor, SNGS College Pattambi and it was handled by Dr. Shyjan Davis(HOD,JMC,University of Calicut).He deliverd lecture on “Growth versus employment in India: a discussion”. It was very informative. The session comes to an end by the lunch break at 12.45pm.
Technical session 2
This session was handled by Sujin KN ,Assistant professor ,Depatment of Economics, Kodanchery at 1.30pm and the session was chaired by Sandhya K.P, Assistant professor, SNGScollege Pattambi.He delivered a lecture on a topic “Economic crisis: Causes, determinants and the way forward. He explained symptoms of crisis and New development of India for measuring crisis. This session was ended by 3 pm.
Technical session 3
This session was started at 3 pm and ends at4.30pm.It was handled by Anuradha.P, Assistant professor, NSS College Ottapalam. She delivered lecture on a topic:Understanding of global economic system within the the context of financial crisis. The session was chaired by Bisha.V.K ,Assistant professor of Economics,SNGS College Pattambi.
Technical session4
Fourth session was handled byDr .Rejimon PM, Assistant professor ,Dept .of Economics, Mar Dionysius College,Pazhanji.It was about the topic “Impact of Economi crisis in Kerala”.The session was chaired by Jyothi.KK,assistant Professor of Economics,Govt College,Chittur.The session was started by 9.30 pm and 11.00 am.
Technical session5
This session started at 11.10 and ends at12.40.the session was chaired by Dr.Rajesh.P.N, assistant professor of Economics,SNGS college Pattambi and it was handled by Dr.visakh varma ,Rtd.Principal, Panampilly memorial college, chalakkudy. This was very informative session.
Technical session 6
Dr.C.Krishnan,HOD Of Economics Dept.Central university of South Bihar delivered the lecture on a topic “Is Revival of Rural Economy the key to unlock Indian economic crisis?”.Dr.Bindu Balgopal,Associate professor of Economics ,Govt. Victoria College Palakkad Chaired this session.The session started at1.15pm and ends at2.45pm
Technical session7
Dr.Rahul.k assistant professor of economics Govt arts and science college ,Kunnamangalam handled this session on a topic “Economic crisis and policy responses” and it was chaired by Amina Poovancheri ,assistant professor of economics ,Govt .Arts and Science College, Kozhikode. The session started at 2.55pm and ends at 4.25pm.
Valedictory session.
It was started at 4.25 pm .Smt.prasanna pk,Vice principal of this college and also HOD of Department of economics delivered the presidential address and distributed the certificates for the participants.Smt .Jameela,K, Co-ordinator of the seminar give vote of thanks. Seminar ends at 4.50 pm