The Department of Zoology was established in 1969 as part of the science courses at the erstwhile Pre Degree. B.Sc. Programme started in 1977 and M.Sc. with Entomology as special subject was started in 2018. Presently there are eight faculty positions and two non-teaching staff. Seventy five percent of the permanent faculties are with doctorate degree. With a group of dedicated and enthusiastic faculties at the helm, the department is taking faster strides in academic as well as research activities. The department is on its way to getting recognized as a Research department under the University of Calicut. Within the span of time, alumni of our department have spread their name and fame in academics, medical, research, social service and all other walks of life.
Courses Offered
B.Sc. Zoology | 3 Years | 86 |
M.Sc. Zoology | 2 years | 27 |
Ph.D | 5 Years | 1 |
Faculty profile
1 | Dr.Zeena.K.V. | Assistant Professor | M.Sc, B.Ed. UGC-CSIR-NET& JRF, Ph.D | | 9446036009 | |
2 | Janish.P.A | Assistant Professor | M.Sc, B.Ed.CSIR-UGC NET | | 8848780863 | |
3 | Dr.Sheena. P | Assistant Professor | M.Sc,B.Ed, CSIR-UGC NET & JRF,Ph.D | | 9496344059 | |
4 | Shihabudeen A.S. | Assistant Professor | M.Sc,B.Ed.CSIR-NET,GATE | | 9496438303 | |
5 | Prasant . C. M. | Assistant Professor | M.Sc. B.Ed. UGC-NET | | 8848470031 | |
6 | Dr. Ajaykumar. A. P | Assistant Professor | M.Sc,B.Ed, M.Ed, CSIR-UGC NET & JRF,Ph.D | | 9446433104 | |
7 | Dr. Abdul Rasheed VT | Assistant Professor | M.Sc, CSIR-UGC NET &JRF,Ph.D | | 9847068380 |
Programme Outcome & Course Outcome
- Understand the biological diversity and grades of complexity of various animalforms through their systematic classification and process of organic evolution.
- Understand the roles of plants, animals and microbes in the sustainability ofthe environment and their interaction among themselves and deterioration ofthe environment due to anthropogenic activities.
- Understand the concepts and principles of biochemistry, immunology, physiology, ethology, Endocrinology, developmental biology, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology and microbiology and develop technical skills in biotechnology, bioinformatics and biostatistics.
- Perform laboratory procedures as per standard protocols in the areas of animal diversity, systematics, cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, physiology, immunology, developmental biology,environmental biology, ethology, evolution and science methodology.
- Describe the principles of classification and nomenclature
- Explain the five kingdom classification of living organisms
- Understand the concepts of classification of animals
- Explain the classification with examples and characteristic features of kingdom Protista and describe the morphology and structural organization of Paramecium
- Describe the characteristic features of subkingdom Mesozoa
- Explain the classification of phylum Porifera and elucidate the salient features of each class.
- Describe the characteristic features of phylum Cnidaria and Ctenophora, illustrate the classification of phylum Cnidaria down to classes and explain the structural organization of Obelia.
- Explain the salient features of phylum Platyhelminthes and illustrate its classification down to classes.
- Explain the characteristic features and classification of super-phylum Aschelminthes and phylum Nematoda.
- Elucidate the characters of Pseudocoelomate minor phyla Rotifera and Gastrotricha.
- Explain the classification with examples and characteristic features of phylum Annelida
and describe the morphology and structural organization of Neanthes.
- Describe the distribution, peculiarities and affinities of phylum Onychophora.
- Explain the classification of phylum Arthropoda;elucidate the salient features of each
class and describe the morphology and structural organization of Penaeus.
- Describe the characteristic features of phylum Mollusca, illustrate its classification
down to classes and explain the structural organization of Pilaglobosa.
- Explain the salient features of phylum Echinodermata and illustrate its classificationdown to classes
- Understand the salient features and affinities of phylum Hemichordata.
- Elucidate the characters of coelomate minor phyla Phoronida, Ectoprocta and Echiura.
- Explain the characteristics of chordates and outline classification of the phylumChordata.
- Describe the salient features and affinities of subphylum Urochordata and itsclassification down to classes; elucidate the morphology and structural organization of Ascidia.
- Explain the salient features and affinities of subphylum Cephalochordata withreference to Branchiostoma.
- Describe the salient features of subphylum Vertebrata, illustrate its classificationdown to classes and elucidate the characteristics of division Agnatha.
- Enumerate the salient features of superclass Pisces and illustrate its classificationdown to orders and the morphology and structural organization of Mugilcephalus.
- Describe the salient features and affinities of class Amphibia and its classificationup to orders; explain the morphology and organ systems of Hoplobatrachustigerinus
- Elucidate the characteristic features of the class Reptilia and its classification downto orders; describe the morphology and organ systems of Calotesversicolor
- Describe the classification of class Aves down to orders, salient features of eachorder with suitable examples.
- Describe the external characters and functional systems of Columba livia.
- Enumerate the salient features and classification of class Mammalia down toorders with suitable examples.
- Elucidate the external characters and functional systems of Oryctolaguscuniculus.
- Compare the circulatory, excretory and nervous systems of vertebrates.
- Identify and describe specified protists and acoelomate &pseudocoelomatenonchordates and perform the culture of selected protists; understand the histological features of coelenterate, Platyhelminth and nematode.
- Identify and describe specified coelomate non-chordates and the transverse sections of annelids; Perform mounting of the specified organs of selected nonchordates.
- Identify and describe specified chordates and specified bones of chordates; Prepare key for identification of venomous snakes; Perform mounting and dissection of specified organ systems of chordates.
- Identify and describe selected vertebrates and specified bones of vertebrates.
- Understand the principles and applications of various types of light microscopes, electron, Scanning-tunnelling and Atomic force microscope and illustrate the histological and histochemical processing of tissues.
- Explain the basic structure of a eukaryotic cell and the structure and functions of plasma membrane, mitochondria, lysosome, cytoskeletal elements and interphase nucleus.
- Illustrate the nucleosome organization of chromatin and higher order structures; structure chromosomes and giant chromosomes.
- Enumerate eukaryotic cell cycle and cell division by amitosis, mitosis and meiosis.
- Explain the causes of transformation, characteristics of transformed cells and the role of protooncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in malignant transformation; mechanism and significance of apoptosis.
- Enumerate allelic and non-allelic gene interactions; supplementary, complementary, polymeric, duplicate and modifying genes and polygenic inheritance.
- Illustrate multiple allelism and solve problems related to blood group inheritance.
- Explain characteristics of linkage groups and linkage map; crossing over and calculation of recombination frequency; sex-linked, sex-influenced and sex-limited characters; sex differentiation and disorders of sexual development.
- Describe the mechanisms of sex determination including chromosomal, genetic, haploid-diploid mechanisms; the hormonal and environmental influence on sex determination and gynandromorphism.
- Explain mutagenesis, mutagens and chromosomal and gene mutations.
- Enumerate the classification and grouping of human chromosomes; numerical and mutational human autosomal and sex chromosomal anomalies; polygenic human traits and genetic counseling.
- Illustrate the steps in genetic engineering and animal cell culture.
- Explain transfection methods, transgenic animals and ethical issues of transgenic animals.
- Enumerate the applications of biotechnology.
- Understand the biological diversity of microbial forms and the various techniquesfor handling microbes in the laboratory.
- Enumerate the basic structure and life cycle of bacteria and virus.
- Understand the industrial and medical importance of microorganisms.
- Describe different types of immunity and the cells and organs of the immune system.
- Explain antigen, antibody, immunity and major histocompatibility complex.
- Enumerate autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases and immunology oftumor and organ transplantation.
- Understand the elements of biological importance and the non-covalent interactions that stabilize biomolecules.
- Describe the classification, types, structure, reactions and biological roles of carbohydrates, and diabetes Type I and II.
- Enumerate the properties and classification of amino acids and their standard abbreviations; hierarchial levels of protein structure, classification, separation, purification and sequencing of proteins.
- Explain the classification and functions of lipids and fatty acids; chemistry and structure of nucleic acids and sequencing of DNA.
- Understand the classification, nomenclature and properties of enzymes; enzyme action, co-enzymes, cofactors, isozymes, ribozymes and allosteric enzymes.
- Explain glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, HMP pathway; amino acid and fatty acid oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation.
- Describe the mechanism of DNA duplication and the role of enzymes.
- Understand the concept of gene and gene expression; genetic code and wobble Hypothesis.
- Explain the mechanism of transcription and post-transcriptional modification of hnRNA
- Enumerate the processes of translation and post-translational modification and targeting of peptides.
- Describe the regulation of trp operon, C-value, repetitive DNA, satellite DNA, selfish DNA, overlapping genes, pseudogenes, cryptic genes, transposons and retrotransposons.
- Explain the structure and life cycle of bacteriophages and the gene transfer mechanisms in bacteria.
- Explain science, its importance, disciplines and the major steps in formulating a hypothesis, various hypothesis models, theory, law and importance of animal models, simulations and virtual testing.
- Illustrate the principles and procedures in designing experiments and elaborate the requirements for carrying out experiments.
- Describe the ethical concerns in practicing science.
- Understand the Scope and role of statistics; methods and procedures of sampling; Construction of tables, charts and graphs.
- Calculate central tendency and measures of dispersion and application of its knowledge on hypothesis testing as well as in problem solving.
- Enumerate major biological databases and database search engines.
- Perform DNA and protein sequence analysis, including sequence alignment and sequence similarity search using BLAST, FASTA, CLUSTAL W and CLUSTAL X.
- Understand molecular phylogenetics and tools and methods for construction of phylogenetic trees.
- Explain genome sequencing technologies, functional genomics, proteomic technologies and molecular docking and drug design.
- Perform experiments in cell biology and genetics including demonstration of Barr body in buccal epithelial cells of man, polytene chromosome in the salivary glands of D. Melanogaster larva, mitotic division in onion root tip cells, micrometry of microscopic objects, prepare whole mounts of microscopic objects, and calculate mitotic and metaphase index from slides.
- Enumerate the inheritance of major human genetic traits, pedigree chart, normal and abnormal human karyotypes, phenotypic differences of male and female Drosophila and solve problems on Monohybrid, dihybrid crosses, blood groups and sex-linked inheritance.
- Understand electrophoresis, PCR, Northern blotting, Southern blotting and Western blotting, DNA sequencing and fingerprinting and isolation of genomic DNA.
- Perform gram staining and preparation of culture media for bacteria and demonstrate bacterial motility by standard laboratory protocols. Understand the detection of human blood groups and organs of immune system
- Perform standard biochemical tests for the detection of reducing and nonreducing sugars, polysaccharides, proteins and lipids.
- Understand the staining of mitochondria, tissue homogenization and isolation of nuclei, effect of colchicine on cell division, extraction of DNA and polyacrylamide and agarose gel electrophoresis.
- Solve basic problems in biostatistics and Bioinformatics.
- Describe the regulation of digestion in man, nutrition in pregnancy and infancy, nutritional disorders, balanced diet, starvation, fasting and obesity.
- Understand the mechanism of transport and exchange of respiratory gases and its neurophysiological control and physiological problems in diving mammals, new-born and aged individuals.
- Describe functions, composition, coagulation, transfusion, agglutination and clinical analysis of blood, haemoglobinopathies, types of heart and common cardio-vascular problems.
- Understand the osmoregulatory mechanisms in animals; excretion and its hormonal control and common renal disorders in man.
- Explain the ultrastructure of skeletal muscles and biochemical events and energetics of muscle contraction.
- Understand the different types of nerve cells, glial cells and nerve fibres, and the mechanism of nerve impulse transmission.
- Understand the types, physiology and significance of bioluminescence, and the structure and functions of electric organs.
- Describe invertebrate neuro-endocrine organs and hormones, vertebrate endocrine glands, their hormones and functions.
- Understand the concept of neurosecretion and the mode of action of peptide and steroid hormones.
- Explain the reproductive strategies in invertebrates and vertebrates and structuraland functional features of human reproductive system
- Describe process of fertilization, pregnancy, gestation, placentation, parturition and lactation in humans.
- Explain the scope of reproductive technologies in infertility management; prenataldiagnostic techniques and methods of fertility control.
- Understand the phases and theories of development, and classification of eggs.
- Enumerate the types of cleavage, arrangement of blastomeres, germ layers and theirderivatives, cell lineage in Planocera and different types of blastula.
- Illustrate the early developmental process of egg in Amphioxus, frog, chick and man
- Explain the basics of cell differentiation and its genetic control, stem cells andapplications of stem cell technology.
- Describe parthenogenesis, types, and significance.
- Explain fate map construction, Spemann’s constriction experiments on amphibianembryos, organizers in development, embryonic induction, gradient experiments insea urchin eggs, cloning experiments in sheep and teratogenesis.
- Explain the structure of ecosystem and its functioning through energy flow and nutrient cycling.
- Enumerate biogeochemical cycles and understand the concept of limiting factors.
- Describe the ecology of population, community and habitat as a self regulating System.
- Understand various types of population interactions and appraise the co-evolution.
- Comprehend the diverse environmental and sustainability challenges ranging fromlocal to global and the establishment of perfect harmony between economicdevelopment, social issues and environmental conservation.
- Enumerate the several tools and techniques employed for studies on populations,communities and ecosystems.
- Understand the threats to biodiversity, and strategies adapted for theconservation of diversity of organisms.
- Describe the various international strategies for conserving biodiversity.
- Describe the toxic chemicals, their toxicity levels and the health hazards caused bythem.
- Describe the patterns and mechanisms of animal behavior.
- Illustrate biological rhythms and the chemical basis of communication.
- Identify major evolutionary transitions over time, and explain the tools andevidences that support current hypotheses of the history of life on earth.
- Describe the evidences for evolution and its required corollaries.
- Explain the various theories of evolution.
- Describe the mechanisms by which evolution occurs.
- Recognize the significance of reproductive isolation in reducing gene flow betweenpopulations, biological and morphological species concepts and distinguishbetween prezygotic and postzygoticbarriers to reproduction.
- Review the events in human evolution.
- Explain ecological and historical foundations for understanding the distributionand abundance of species, and their changes over time and comprehend the basicprinciples of biogeography as a discipline.
- Understand the reproductive health, and importance of sex education for teen and youth.
- Explain the chromosomal mechanism of sex determination and sex chromosomal anomalies.
- Describe the structural and functional features of human reproductive system, fertilization, implantation, pregnancy, gestation, placenta, parturition and lactation.
- Explain the scope of reproductive technologies in infertility management and the assisted reproductive techniques.
- Understand the different methods of prenatal diagnosis and associated ethical issues.
- Describe the different methods of fertility control.
- Understand the symptoms, mode of transmission, diagnosis and treatment of different sexually transmitted diseases and their socio economic dimensions.
- Describe sexual orientation, sexual abuse and myths.
- Understand the ethical aspects of sex
- Describe the he lifecycle, damages and control of insect pests of crop plants and domestic animals.
- Identify and explain the lifecycle, damages and control of insect pests of crop
- plants and domestic animals
- Review the insect control strategies.
- List and describe the useful insects and the products derived from bees, silkworms and lac insects
- Perform standard laboratory experiments for the estimation of Hb, presence ofhCG/abnormal constituents in urine, detection of blood pressure, bleeding andclotting time and identification of formed elements in blood.
- Identify selected stages in the development of frog and chick and chosen larvalforms of invertebrates and vertebrates.
- Carry out experiments of laboratory standards to estimate water qualityparameters including, dissolved Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, hardness and pH;determination of adulteration of selected food items and identify marine planktons and soil organisms.
- Demonstrate the behavioural response of earthworm/dipteran larva to selected stimuli
- Describe homologous , analogous and vestigial organs, connecting links, adaptiveradiation and evolution of man.
- Illustrate zoogeographical realms, Wallace line, Weber line, Wallacea and thedistribution of Peripatus, lung fishes, Sphenodon, monotremes and marsupials
- Identify the normal and selected abnormal human karyotypes and inheritance ofchosen traits from pedigree charts, ornamental and other culture fishes andchosen beneficial and harmful insects.
- Describe the general characters of protists and salient features of phylum – Rhizopoda, Ciliophora, Dinoflagellata and Apicomplexa.
- Enumerate the salient features and examples of Phylum – Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Onychophora, Mollusca and Echinodermata, and the structural organization of Peneaus
- Describe the characteristic features and classification of phylum Chordata with examples and, structural organization of Oryctolaguscuniculus.
- Explain levels of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, biodiversity hotspots, importance and strategies for conservation of wildlife and sustainable development.
- Explain parasitism and the major protist, cestode, trematode and nematode parasitesof man and major insect vectors of human diseases and their control.
- Understand major beneficial and harmful insects, damages caused to host plants and their control measures.
- Understand pisciculture, prawn, mussel and pearl culture
- Describe the structure of plasma membrane and the various trans-membrane transport mechanisms.
- Enumerate the constituents of normal diet and the mechanism of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids and the regulation of gastrointestinal function.
- Explain the mechanism of transport of respiratory gases, control of respiration, respiratory problems and artificial ventilation.
- Explain the structure and working of human heart and mechanism of regulation of heart beat; constituents of human blood and blood transfusion and cardiovascular problems.
- Illustrate the structure of human kidney, the mechanism of urine formation, hormonal control of kidney function and kidney disorders; osmoregulation and urea cycle.
- Enumerate the structure of myofibrils and myofilaments; muscle contractile and regulatory proteins and mechanism of muscle contraction.
- Explain different types of nerve cells and glial cells, maintenance of resting membrane potential, generation and propagation of action potential and synaptic transmission.
- Describe innate behavior, learned behavior, patterns of behavior and factors that affect behavior.
- Enumerate biological rhythms, communication in animals and social organization in mammals.
- Describe human karyotype , chromosomal anomalies and polygenic inheritance.
- Explain the mechanisms of sex determination.
- Enumerate the concept of genes, gene expression, genetic code, transcription and translation
- Illustrate the mechanism of recombinant DNA technology and its practical applications.
- Explain the types of cancer, causes of transformation and characteristics of transformed cells.
- Identify the cells and organs of immune system, antigens and antibodies.
- Enumerate antigen-antibody interaction, generation of B-cell and T-cellresponse and major immune-techniques.
- Explain primary and secondary immunodeficiency diseases, autoimmunediseases, vaccination and vaccines.
- Identify the salient features of the phylum; taxonomic position, habit, habitat, adaptations/importance of selected protists, non-chordates and chordates.
- Describe major human parasites and economically important insects, molluscs and fishes.
- Perform detection of human blood groups and prepare human blood smear as per laboratory standards; mounting of specialized organs of selected nonchordates and chordates, and demonstrate the presence of biomolecules in samples by standard laboratory protocols
- Illustrate the normal and selected abnormal human karyotypes and mode of inheritance of selected human genetic disorders and perform the dissection of earthworm and sardine to demonstrate the alimentary canal and Penaeus to demonstrate the nervous system.
CBCSS PG -M.Sc Zoology
Student will be able to develop knowledge and understanding of living organisms at several levels of biological organization from the cellular through molecular to whole organisms level and at ecosystem level in an evolutionary perspective.
Student will be able to acquire knowledge related to concepts like ecology, evolution, taxonomy, biochemistry, molecular biology etc. and apply the knowledge in new situations.
The student will develop skills in experimental techniques in the subjects of study.
The student will be able to develop scientific way of thinking and scientific attitude pertaining to the concepts in ecology, evolution, taxonomy, biochemistry, molecular biology etc.
- The student develops understanding of the importance of various chemical interactions in the biological system.
- The Student develops the abilty to analyze the structure, classification, and biochemical properties of carbohydrates from other organic molecules.
- The student develops the ability to describe classification, structural organization, and purification techniques of proteins.
- The student develops understanding of the classification and functions of lipids and fatty acids.
- The Student develops Appreciation on the mechanism of enzyme action, inhibition, and classification of enzymes that facilitate the functioning of enzymes.
- The student develops appreciation on Watson and Crick model of DNA
- The student develops the understanding of anabolic and catabolic pathways of biomolecules such as glucose, nucleic acids, amino acids and lipids.
- The student understand the principles of energetics in biological systems.
- The student learn about structure and functions of Cellular components, plasma membrane and its models, membrane transport mechanisms and properties , cytoskeletal elements and Intracellular trafficking.
- The student gain knowledge of Chromatin structure and chromosomal alterations, Interrupted genes, gene families and extra chromosomal inheritance.
- The student understand the cellular adhesion molecules, cell-cell and cell – matrix interactions, intercellular communications along with noted signal transduction pathways and intracellular signaling mechanisms and their significance.
- The student understand the process and significance of necrosis and apoptosis and, its regulation in the cellular level.
- The student understand the basic principles of physics involved in biological processes.
- The student develops an understanding about the biological aspects and implications of sound energy.
- The student will be able to differentiate various ionizing radiations and to understand a comparative account of their biological effects.
- The student may familiarize with various biophysical and electrophysiological methods
- The student understand the principles of microscopy.
- The student understand the principles and applications of separation techniques.
- The student develops an understanding gravity ‘G’ force and its multi-faceted applications.
- Introduction and familiarization of Nano technology as a highly promising arena in biological investigations
- The student understand various methods of data collection, tabulation and presentation of data for biological research.
- The student develops ability to apply measures of central tendency and dispersion in biological research, and various types of probability distribution.
- The student understand parametric and non parametric tests and its applications in biological research.
- The student learn how to apply different types of ecological indexes in biological research.
- The student develops ability to differentiate between the concepts of Habitat, Niche.
- The student explain the concepts of, Ecosystem energetic sand Mineral cycling.
- The student learn to appreciate nature’s way to maximize efficiency in utilization of energy and resources; to reduce competition.
- To describe the characteristics of population growth and species interaction.
- To explain the components of Ecological community, the process of Ecological succession, Biomes etc.
- To appreciate the complexity of relationship between organisms.
- To describe the characteristics of various biogeographically realms, and Indian biodiversity.
- The student will be able to give explanation to the differential distribution of organisms across the world.
- To describe the characteristics of various biogeographically realms, and Indian biodiversity
- To explain the concept of Carbon credit, Carbon trading etc.
- To analyse various aspects of Green building technology and interlinking of rivers.
- The student learn to appreciate the richness of Indian biodiversity and various strategies of Wildlife conservation
- To describe the components of animal behaviour, factors of motivation and conflict behaviour, properties of instinctive behaviour, types of learning, adaptiveness of behaviour, importance of biological rhythms and parental care, influence of hormones on behaviour.
- The student develops understanding to value the importance of nature watch and field study.
- The student develops an understanding and comparison of PH in biological processes.
- The student familiarize with qualitative tests to identify and distinguish various carbohydrates.
- The student learn to conduct qualitative analysis to identify proteins and non- protein nitrogenous substances.
- Quantitative tests for carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and non- protein nitrogenous substances.
- The student develops an understand the basics of differential centrifugation.
- Knowledge to process and visualize salivary gland polytene chromosome from drosophila larva.
- The student gain hands own training in preparing squash preparation of grass hopper testis , to visualize stained chromosomes to identify meotic stages.
- The student gain a better understanding about karyotypes and abnormalities.
ZOL2L01 – Biophysics and Biostatistics
- The student familiarize with the instruments/ techniques in biophysics; PH meter, Paper chromatoraphy, TLC, Gel electrophoresis.
- Application of colorimetry in quantitative analysis.
- The student gather knowledge regarding Collection, grouping and graphical representation of data with special emphasis on Microsoft Excel.
- The student learn to calculate measures of dispersion and their applications in data analysis.
- Familiarising with data interpretation in statistics; ANOVA, Correlation and Regression analysis.
- The student create an awareness among the society to promote balanced lifestyle and improve people’s diet.
- The student will be able to explain the role of nutrition in health.
- Discuss the physiology of various organ systems in the body.
- The student will be able to differentiate the structure and functions of various organs in the human body CO5.
- To describe different functional areas of cerebral cortex.
- To describe the cardiac cycle.
- To discuss the physiology and mechanisms of respiration CO8.
- Identify and define neuro-anatomical structures.
- Summarize the various neurological disorders.
- Discuss different types of excretory organs in different animal groups.
- Explain the role of excretory system in the regulation of water balance, ,acid base balance and electrolyte balance.
- Identify the symptoms of life style diseases and suggest ways to control them.
- Explain the environment’s influence on the physiological function and performance of living organisms
- The student learn to understand the mechanism of DNA replication- both chromosomal and extra chromosomal, enzymes involved, models of replication, inhibitors and the significance of DNA replication.
- The student learn to know the safeguard systems of DNA, restriction enzymes and their significance, mechanisms involved in damage and repair of eukaryotic DNA and its importance.
- Learn to explain the general features of genetic code, special features of the genetic code in mitochondria, and variations in genetic code.
- The student gain in-depth knowledge regarding the structural organization of mRNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the mechanism of transcription, translation, post transcriptional and translational modifications, structure , biogenesis and role of ribosomes in protein synthesis ; and RNA editing.
- To gain knowledge regarding the regulation of gene expression in Phages, Bacteria, and in Eukaryotes ; recent research findings like antisense RNA strategies and role of si RNA and mi RNA in the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression and their applications.
- The components , organization and special features of eukaryotic genome, interrupted genes and their evolution; concept of gene families, and molecular evolutionary clock.
- Introduction to transposition mechanisms in prokaryotes and eukaryotes , and their significance.
- Molecular mechanisms of genetic recombination,models, and significance.
- Special features of microbial genetics, and organelle genome, their replication and mapping.
- The student gain an in depth knowledge regarding the events and regulation of cell cycle, its alteration and causes of cancer. Genes involved in the regulation of cancer and modern therapeutic interventions like immunotherapy and gene therapy.
- The student gain an understanding of identification and taxonomic classification of organisms based on their characters.
- The student will be able to describe different levels of taxonomy.
- Aware about Place, importance, applications and goals of taxonomy.
- Learn about purpose of classification, use of classification, theories of biological classification and types classification.
- Explain taxonomic procedures like Taxonomic collections,Curation, Recording of field data, storage of collection, labelling and cataloguing of collection Identification- methods of identification, Use of keys,Taxonomic descriptions, Taxonomic and ecological publication and their difference.
- Understand Species concept and the taxonomic diversity within species, different kinds of species, sub species and other infra specific categories, hybrids.
- Recognize the importance of Zoological nomenclature, International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
- Interpret Principle of priority, Homonymy and Synonymy and Different kinds of types in descriptive taxonomy.
- Use new trends in Systematics especially Chemo and Serotaxonomy, Cytotaxonomy, Numerical taxonomy, Cladistics, Molecular systematics and DNA bar coding vs traditional taxonomy.
- Recognize the ethics related to taxonomic collections and publication.
- Realize the taxonomic impediments.
- Describe the mechanism of natural selection and the evolutionary mechanisms.
- Explain tempo of evolution.
- Describe molecular evolutionary theories like Neutral theory of molecular evolution, Molecular clocks- genetic equidistance- human mitochondrial molecular clock and Phylogenetic relationships.
- Recognize Evolutionary trends in Biochemical evolution and primates evolution.
- An enhanced knowledge about the Mechanism of natural selection –
- To understand Hardy-Weinberg law, founder principle, bottleneck effect and genetic drift ,the process of Isolating mechanisms-Prezygotic and Postzygotic isolating mechanisms; speciation-allopatric, peripartric-parapatric-heteropatric- sympatric speciation; ecotypes etc.
- The major process involved in the Co-evolution; Microevolution, Macroevolution are recognized.
- The process involved in the Gradualism and punctuated equilibrium along with Anagenesis and Cladogenesis will be acquired.
- An enhanced understanding of Neutral theory of molecular evolution; molecular divergence; molecular drive, Molecular clocks- genetic equidistance- human mitochondrial molecular clock , Phylogenetic relationships- DNA barcoding vs traditional taxonomy etc.
- An elevated understanding of the Biochemical evolution- Collapse of Orthogenesis along with Stages in primate evolution ; African origin for modern humans, Y-chromosomal Adam- mitochondrial Eve, the process of Communication, speech, language and self awareness in Primates etc.
- The student gain practical knowledge regarding the methods of analysis of enzyme activity and its dependent factors.
- The student get a better understanding regarding the effects of abiotic factors on aquatic life.
- To gain a thorough practical knowledge related to the analysis of various blood parameters.
- The student develops practical knowledge to isolate genomic DNA from animal tissues.
- The student acquire hands own training in the Quantification of DNA, RNA and Proteins by colourimetric methods.
- As a Core curriculum course, students completing this course along with the practical sessions will demonstrate competence in gathering, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating and applying information gathered.
- The student may gather basic knowledge regarding Collection and Identification of animals up to species level.
- Scientific handling of specimens collected, preservation and museum curation.
- An in depth knowledge in the process of immune cell synthesis and maturation, antigen receptor structure and the mechanisms of antigen recognition by B-cell and T-cells.
- To understand the Structure and diversity of Immunoglobulin, Antigens and its classification, production and clinical uses of monoclonal antibodies and antigen antibody interactions.
- Gaining a strong understanding of keyprinciples, procedure and applications of different Immunetechniques used in the biomedical field and to develop new methods and techniques on the basis of the earned knowledge.
- Mechanisms of humoral and cellular immunity, immune cell receptor and intracellular signal cascades related to immune system activation and response.
- Gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of Immune effector mechanisms, chemical signaling through cytokines, its therapeutic uses and cytokine related diseases.
- The complement system and its components, hypersensitivity and allergic responses, diseases related to hypersensitivity, autoimmune disorders and complement deregulation.
- To understand the scientific principles behind vaccination, types of vaccines and their role in fighting diseases.
- Understand the mechanism of autoimmunity and immune deficiency diseases.
- To understand basic concepts in development.
- Explain the process of gametogenesis, fertilization and embryonic development.
- To understand cellular and molecular basis of development.
- To understand the genetic basis of development.
- Describe the process of ageing and mechanisms.
- To understand the impact of environment on development.
- Describe different classes of chemical messengers and their physical characteristics.
- Explain how the secretion of hormone is regulated through positive and negative feedback mechanisms.
- Summarize the anatomy, regulation, and physiological functions of the hormones of the hypophysis, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas adrenal, hypothalamus and adrenal glands.
- Describe the anatomy of male and female reproductive systems including hormonal functions and pathophysiology.
- To understand how insects originated and evolved on earth.
- To gain understanding of fossil insects.
- To describe diversity, systematics , biology and habits of insects.
- To gain a detailed understanding of external morphology of insects.
- To gain understanding of behavior and ecology of insects
- Students may gain a thorough understanding regarding the immune components and production of antiserum in animals.
- A training on various immunotechniques.
- Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in Practical immunology in order to satisfactorily complete the course. In addition, the extent of a student’s mastery of these objectives, will help guide the course evaluation and grade. Laboratory sessions throughout the Immunology course will help to integrate theory and practical skills meaning the students learn about all aspects of the field and develop strong transferable skills, both in and out of the lab.
ZOL4L04- Developmental Biology & Endocrinology
- To understand the identification of different developmental stages of frog.
- To identify common larval forms.
- To understand the vital staining technique.
- To understand the whole mount preparation of different developmental stages of chick embryo.
- To understand the mounting of various larval forms.
- To study the insect development.
- To understand morphological and histological details of different types of placenta inmammals.
- To understand the effect of hormones in amphibian metamorphosis.
- To gain understanding of procedures of collection, preservation, spreading, and curationof insects for scientific studies.
- To gain understanding of anatomy of insects through dissections.
- To understand the features of various types of cloning vectors.
- To understand different steps involved in molecular cloning.
- To understand the techniques involved in the production of molecular probes, Genomic and CDNA library.
- To understand various types of PCR techniques
- To analyze techniques involved in isolation, sequencing and synthesis of genes.
- To understand applications of biotechnology in animal health care, agriculture and environmental protection.
- To understand biotechnological techniques involved in animal cell tissue culture, gene silencing and cloning.
- To understand ethical and social implications of biotechnology
- To understand taxonomy, structure, nutrition, growth of various microbes.
- To analyze various types of microbial diseases and its control measures.
- To appreciates beneficial effects of microbes.
- To gain understanding of the physiological systems of insects.
- To explain the anatomy of insects.
- To gain understanding of embryonic and post embryonic development of insects.
- To gain an understanding of locomotion of insects. To gain understanding of physiology and biochemistry of insects through different laboratory experiments.
- To gain hands on experience on the preparation of taxonomic keys, enabling to identify and classify insects.
- To gain understanding of diversity of insects in their natural habitat by various field visits.
- To gain understanding of insect pests and types of damage done by insects to plants, pest surveillance and forecasting of pest outbreak.
- To gain understanding of insect pests attacking agricultural crops, their biology,damage , and control measures.
- To gain understanding of Concepts of Economic levels.
- To gain understanding of insect vectors of human diseases and their control.
- To gain understanding of the principles of insects pest management includingecological based pest management and chemical control.
- To gain understanding of various equipments for insecticide application.
- To gain understanding of insecticides and its impact on wild life and human healthand insecticide resistance.
- To secure hands own training to isolate plasmid DNA and RNA from bacteria and other tissues
- To know how to separate DNA /RNA by electrophoresis.
- To acquire practical knowledge to work with PCR machine in order to amplify DNA and experience on cell immobilization.
- To gather hands own experience in isolation, staining and counting of bacteria
- To gain better knowledge regarding various sterilization techniques and bacterial culture.
- To attain skills in Tissue fixation and staining
- Student gets a thorough understanding of differential staining.
- To gain understanding of physiology and biochemistry of insects through different laboratory
- To gain hands on experience on the preparation of taxonomic keys, enabling to identify and classify insects.
- To gain understanding of diversity of insects in their natural habitat by various field visits.
- To gain understanding of insect pests attacking various agricultural crops by field observation identification and collection.
- To gain understanding of insects pests of man and domestic animals through field visits.
- To gain experience of techniques for laboratory rearing of Insect pests and understanding of their life histories.
- To gain understanding of laboratory rearing of parasitoids, and predators by visit to their breeding stations.
- To gain understanding of insecticide appliances and their application in the field.
- To gain understanding of industrial entomology by visit to bee keeping stations and sericulture institutes.
- To gain understanding of toxicological studies on insects by visit to toxicological labs
Students Profile
- Qualification for Admission : Plus Two
- Present Number and categories : 113 , General, SC,ST,OBC and
Class | UG I | UG II | UG III | PG I | PG II |
Sanctioned Strength | 41 | 32 | 24 | 15 | 12 |
No. Of Students Admitted | 37 | 32 | 24 | 15 | 12 |
No of present students | 36 | 27 | 23 | 15 | 12 |
Boys | 5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Girls | 31 | 22 | 22 | 14 | 12 |
SC | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
ST | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
OBC and Minority | 11 | 8 | 10 | 6 | 3 |
General | 18 | 13 | 9 | 5 | 6 |
- Achievements of Students
NO | Name of the Student | NET / JRF | Year |
1 | Sabira.o
2018 |
2 | Deepthi krishana.P | UGC-NET , K-TET
2018 |
3 | Akhila.P.P
2019 |
4 | Sunisha.K.Sunil
2019 |
5 | Revathi .P
2019 |
6 | Athira.MK
2019 |
7 | Haritha.T.V
2019 |
8 | Priyanka.P.P
2019 |
9 | Anjana.MR
2019 |
10 | Rohini.K
2020 |
Ranks :
- Poornima Ganesh (Reg.No. PTASMZL004) has got 7th Rank in Sc Zoology Examination , March 2020 conducted by the Calicut University
Sl.No. | Year | Name of student | Sports Item | Name of the Award/Medal |
1 | 2017-18 | Nijila.K | Hammer throw | Third Prize |
2 | 2017-18 | Nijila.K | Hammer throw | Third Prize |
3 | 2018-19 | Nijila.K | Hammer throw | Third Prize |
4 | 2018-19 | Nijila.K | Hammer throw | Second Prize |
5 | 2019-20 | Nijila.K | Hammer throw | Third Prize |
6 | 2019-20 | Nijila.K | Hammer throw | Second Prize |
Recent Curricular Changes:
- The curriculum of B.Sc Zoology was revised in 2019 under CBCSS UG Regulations
- The curriculum of M.Sc Zoology was revised in 2016under CUCSS PG Regulations
which is also revised in 2019 under CBCSS PG Regulations
Learning Resources & Facilities
- Computer Systems with Internet connection
- Smart TV
- LCD Projector
- Learning Management System (LMS)
Academic Activities & Initiatives
Highlights of the Department
Honours and Awards if any: NIL
Research Projects & Publications
Research Guides
- Ajaykumar.A.P
Research student : Sabira.O
- Abdul Rasheed.V.T
- Rema.L.P ( 2018-20)
Transferred to Maharaja’s College in 2020
Research student : Liji. C. B
Ph. D awarded: Nil
Placement Records
Sl.No. | Year | Name of student placed and contact details | Program graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) |
1 | 2019 | Sruthi k KOKKATTIL HOUSE PATTIKKAD POST MALAPPURAM DIST PIN- 679325 Ph.No.9539658795 |
12000 |
2 | 2018 | Megha jayan ok Mechirikal house, cherugundand po, Palakkad.Ph.No-8891957174 | SNGS College, Pattambi | Physical education teacherSahrdaya College of advanced studies,kodakara | 20000 |
3 | 2019 | Shaharban Edamanathodiyil h, pallippuram Po, Pattambi via, Palakkad:679305Ph.No.7736197647 | SNGS College, Pattambi | Project cordinator | 24000 |
4 | 2019 | ROHINI KSreevalsam, Paruthipra, Shornur, Palakkad, 679121 Ph.No.7034035360 | SNGS College, Pattambi | Teacher HolyCross School, Mullurkara, Thrissur | 10000 |
5 | 2019 | AnusreeMazhavil,vattenad, koottanad (po), Palakkad Ph.No.9846810618 | SNGS College, Pattambi | Teacher Samskruthy school.Panthavoor | 9000 |
6 | 2021 | ARYA SHarichandanam, Liberty Street, PattambiPh.No.7034952555 | SNGS College, Pattambi | Lecturer in ZoologyNSS College Parakkulam | 32000 |
7 | 2018 | Vignesh A RAttuvalappil House, Harisree Nagar, Peramangalam P O, Thrissur – 680545 Ph .No.9526195901 | SNGS College, Pattambi | Project AssistantAmala cancer research center, Amala Nagar, Thrissur | 10000 |
8 | 2021 | Sruthi Ph.No. 9645994851 | SNGS College, Pattambi | Women Civil Police Officer | 31100-66800 |
Department of Zoology has always strived to remain enriched and updated both in academic and non- academic realms. Students and faculty of the department, by their synchronized activities tried to bring laurels to the department and there by to the parent institution. Experiential learning, inclusive education and Quality enhancement are the central pillars of all the activities organized by the department.
The most noteworthy programme of the academic year was the National seminar “‘Emerging Facets of Biological Sciences’ conducted on 15th and 16th of December, 2015funded by UGC. Each session in the programme unveiled the changing approaches of Biological science and upcoming arenas for aspiring students and researchers. Altogether 118 participants from various colleges and research institutions within and outside Kerala participated in the event. Dr.Ajaykumar A.P., Assistant Professor of Zoology was the co-ordinator of the event.
Being a compulsory activity of B.Sc. Zoology curriculum of Calicut University, Students of VI semester along with faculty members Dr. Sheena P., Mr. Prasanth C.M. and Sri. Sivasankaran (Supporting staff) visited various places of Zoological and scientific interest. During their five days’ long journey, they visited places like Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Eravikulam National Park, etc.
All the faculty members updated their academic avenues by participating in National Seminars and workshops conducted in various distinguished institutions. Dr. P. Haridasan served as a member of Faculty of Sciences of University of Calicut. Dr. A. P. Ajaykumar conducted UGC-CSIR NET Orientation Programme at MES KVM College, Valancheri on 16-02-2016. Sri. C. M. Prasant, participated in three different programmes of the prestigious FLAIR platform. All the staff members were actively engaged in various bodies and committees of the college, including planning board, science and nutrition clubs, and there by contributed their best to the overall performance of the institution.
Department Zoology conducted a heath survey on life style disorders with special emphasis on cardiovascular disorders and diabetes, among residents of Pattambi Municipality. Association inauguration and Merit day were the other important events to be mentioned. Ms. Veena, top scorer of the previous year was given cash prize and memento in the proud celebration inaugurated by the head of the institution. Students of the department participated in various literary and sports items held in connection with arts and sports days respectively.
Through its multi-faceted and goal – oriented activities, the department has been instrumental in upholding the criteria like inclusiveness, experiential learning, building scientific attitude, etc. A highly conducive environment for teaching learning activities and effective curriculum transaction was always the remarkable feature of this department. The overall performance was visualized in a considerable percentage of students getting admitted to higher studies.
The most noteworthy event organized by the department was the National level work shop in Bioinformatics of two days duration; 6th and 7th of December 2017. The main stakeholders of the programme were faculty and research scholars from various institutions. Mr. Prasanth C.M. was the co – Ordinator of the event. The participants were given chance to explore the less known areas of sequence similarity search, phylogeny analysis, molecular docking and tools used in docking etc. Altogether 30 participants actively took part in the event.
As a part of the curriculum, students of VI semester UG class visited various places of Zoological interest, in Kerala and Tamil Nadu under the leadership of Dr. Sheena P. and Mr. Prasanth C.M. These five days long trip definitely provided them with firsthand experience on many biological facts. Field visit helped them to get familiarise with the various theoretical aspects in their elective subject; Entomology.
Research and investigations are upheld by the faculty of the department. Dr. Abdul Rasheed V.T., Assistant professor of Zoology, has contributed 3 highly valued publications to the scientific world, published in high indexed journals. Dr. Ajaykumar A.P. has also contributed one notable publication during this year. Mr. Sujith M.S., final year UG student of the department took part in 5 days’ Science Talent enrichment Programme jointly convened by IISER Trivandrum & KSCSTE. Department pursued the survey on life style disorders with special reference to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. A lively debate on highly significant topic “Right to life of transgender- identity, Liberty and justice “was also organized by the department.
Faculty members were actively engaged in many committees and clubs of the college. Admission committee, Grievance redressal committee, women’s club, nutrition club, RUSA etc. are some among them. They also have taken part in routine examination related activities conducted by the university and the institution itself. All of them acted as external examiners in connection with IV and VI semester B.Sc. Practical examinations of Calicut University.
Association inauguration and merit days were celebrated with full zeal and zest. Ms. Noor Jasmine, top scorer of the previous year was given cash prize and memento during the occasion. The event was inaugurated by the Principal in- charge Smt. Prasanna, Head of Economics Department.
Ever since it’s inception, the Department of Zoology has been instrumental in popularising science. Apart from various class room activities, students were given opportunities to be a part of latest developments occurring in biological sciences, especially in thrust areas of research. By getting involved in the organising and executing steps of various activities, the learners imbibe essential qualities like leadership, scientific attitude and intellectual honesty.
The main initiative of the department during this year was its participation in Shastrayaan, a mega initiative funded by RUSA. Together with other science departments, department of Zoology has also tried its best to satisfy the maxim of the program; science from lab to layman. Various stalls were prepared with variety of exhibits in order to disseminate the knowledge inherent in science in an easily accessible manner. Exhibits included rare museum specimens in our museum, various models prepared by the students, short film exhibitions, spot quiz and so on. A large number of visitors including students from nearby schools and laymen visited the stalls and expressed their appreciation regarding the effort taken by the faculty and students of the department with a meagre fund being allocated for the same.
The department has also organized a two-day workshop on Bioinformatics sponsored by DCE. .Dr.Ajaykumar A.P., was the co Ordinator of this prestigious event. In continuation with the workshop conducted by the department previously, the event mainly concentrated on areas of research applications of the subject. Considerable number of participants including faculty of Botany, Zoology and other allied subjects from various institutions under Calicut and MG universities participated in this event.
Faculty members of the department enriched their subject areas by actively participating in National seminars and workshops conducted by various institutions. All of them extended their contributions to the overall performance of the institution by becoming active members in various bodies and clubs. They were actively involved in conducting examinations and valuation of answer scripts of Calicut university. Dr.Ajaykumar P. took part in Refresher course of 21 days duration organized by HRDC Calicut university from 10/1/2018 to 30/1/2018.
Ms. Karthika , topper of the previous year was given a token of appreciation , as cash prize and memento during the merit day celebrations.
ANNUAL REPORT: 2018 – 19.
Department of Zoology organized multitude of programmes to supplement the curricular and co- curricular needs of the learners. All these activities were mainly focussed on the overall development of the learners. Conscious efforts were also made to update and enrich the knowledge of the faculty members in various thrust areas of Biological sciences.
The main initiative of the department during this academic year was Two day National level workshop sponsored by DCEon “Molecular Techniques” co Ordinator The programme held on 21st&22nd November 2018 was coordinated by Dr. Abdul Rasheed V.T. Experts from RGCB, one of the leading research institutes in Kerala , extended their service as resource persons and assisted the participants to explore hands on sessions in genomic and plasmid DNA isolation, restriction digestion, gel electrophoresis, etc. More than 30 faculty members from various institutions took part in this event.
As a part of the curriculum, students of VI semester UG class visited various places of Zoological interest, in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. These five days long trip definitely provided them with first-hand experience on many biological facts. Field visit helped them to get familiarise with the various theoretical aspects in their elective subject; Entomology.
The department was upgraded to a PG department by the sanctioning of much awaited M.Sc. Zoology programme. Initially ten students were admitted to the course. Faculty members of the department enriched their subject areas by actively participating in National seminars and workshops conducted by various institutions. All of them extended their contributions to the overall performance of the institution by becoming active members in various bodies and clubs. They were actively involved in conducting examinations and valuation of answer scripts of Calicut university. Dr. Ajaykumar A.P. has contributed a notable publication during this year in a highly esteemed journal.
In connection with Association Inauguration, an Invited talk by Mr. Basheer, Associate Professor, PSMO College Thirurangadi, on “Career and Academic Guidance for Zoology students” was being organized. Ms. Nejva , topper of the previous year was given a token of appreciation , as cash prize and memento during the merit day celebrations.
Annual Report-2019-20
The teachers and students of Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology has been a part of various activities during the academic year 2019-20. One of them was DCE sponsored two day National workshop on ‘statistics for Biologists’ organized on 16 and 17 December 2019 which was handled by resource person Dr. Gleeja V. L, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur. Around 30 participants including research scholars from various colleges participated in the workshop. We celebrated Department Merit day on 24th February 2020. On the occasion of Merit day, our department organised a talk on’ diversity of insects’ delivered by Dr. K. Sudheer, Assistant Professor of Zoology, Zamorin’s Guruvayurapan College, Kozhikode. Students who excelled in curricular and extra-curricular activities were felicitated during this event
Our students Mr. Vivek Vijay K and Jinesh K of 2nd semester B.Sc Zoology became champions in the all kerala inter-collegiate quiz competition organized by the department of Zoology N.S.S College Ottapalam on 31st January 2020 in connection with the Mannam Jayanthi celebrations. Vivek Vijayan Bagged first prizes in Literature Quiz, ESCRIBELO 2020-Literature Fest, St. Aloysius College, Thrissur 14 Feb 2020 and Quiz in connection to Science Day Celebration, MES KEVEEYAM College, Valanchery on 25- February 2020. Also Vivek Vijayan K won second places in other quiz competitions – Inter Collegiate Quiz by Department of Chemistry, MES Ponnani on19 Feb 2020 and was a participant in SpEnt Quiz Quiz, ‘PETRICHOR’, Techno Cultural Fest IIT, Palakkad 18-19 January 2020. Ms. Nijila K of 6th semester BSc Zoology achieved second place in Hammer throw at inter-university championship and Ms. Anjitha V, was part of the college cricket team that were runner-ups of the university interzone cricket champions. Our students also actively participated in the arts and sports festivals along with other departments of this college.
All our teaching faculties participated in various National seminars and workshops. Mr. Prasant C M participated in two short term courses as part FDP and Dr. Abdul Rasheed V.T completed an Orientation programme from UGC-HRDC Calicut. The PG department was recognised as research centre of University of Calicut for Zoology on 05-05-2020.
Plan of Action
- To give proposals for sanctioning research projects
- To conduct Biodiversity survey and prepare biodiversity register of the college campus
- To conduct more extension activities
- Expansion of Research facilities .