S. S. P.

The Scholar Support Programme (SSP) is part of the ‘New Initiatives in Higher Education’ of the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Kerala. This programme aims to overcome the academic weakness of students who belong to the bottom of the merit hierarchy at the time of admissions. This compensatory programme aims at imparting additional support to students in curricular areas of weakness.

Coordinator: Dr. Abdul Rasheed V.T
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Zoology

SSP REPORT 2019-2020

Tthe SSP Coordinators meeting on 13/06/2019 and 07/08/2019 held at Layola College-Sreekaryam Trivandrum, a common monitoring committee for SSP and WWS was constituted and approved by the College council. As per guidelines received, students were selected based on their +2 marks, social requirements and assessment by their class tutors. The courses were assigned for internal according to the choice of the majority of students need and willingness of the internal mentors.

A total of 130 students were enrolled into the programme supported by 15 mentor for all the semesters. Apart from internal sessions, first and Second year SSP students were given common English classes and external sessions in English Skill, Learning skill and Personal growth. All the sessions were completed by 15/02/2020. The students were provided with Study material (stationary kits), Printed/photocopied notes, and refreshments (for external sessions only). Student’s attendance was less especially in the external session.

Students Enrolled:  Total- 130 students (list would be attached)

I year – 40students (5 Subjects, 8 each)

BA Sanskrit, BSc Botany, BA Economics, BBA, BA (Eng-His Double main)

II year- 40 students (5 Subjects, 8 each)

BBA , BSc Botany, BA Arabic, BA Economics, BA (Eng-His Double main)

III year – 50 students (5, Subjects, 10 each)

BA Arabic, BA Economics, BA (Eng-His Double main), BSc Zoology, BSc Physics


External Mentors

  1. Rauf P Ummer, ASAP Master trainer: I and II year English Skill Training
  2. Vipin Das, Psycologist, Jeevani: I and II year Learning and Personal Growth
  3. Dr. Ummer VM, Asst Prof Arabic, SNGSC Pattambi: III year Competitive exams training


Internal Mentors

Sl. No Name Designation and Subject Semester allotted
1 Sharmila C Thankappan &

Mini K

Assistant Prof, Sanskrit I/II
2 Smitha CK Assistant Prof, Botany I/II
3 Raseena K K Assistant Prof, Economics I/II
4 Indu PP Assistant Prof, BBA I/II
5 Smitha G Assistant Prof, English I/II
6 Prasad P Assistant Prof, Commerce III/IV
7 Mohammed Shah Assistant Prof, Arabic III/IV
8 Jayakrishnan T Assistant Prof, Botany III/IV
9 Hasna T Guest Faculty, English III/IV
10 Jameela K K Assistant Prof, Economics III/IV
11 Sandhya K P &

Raseena KK

Assistant Prof, Economics V/VI
12 Chithra T J Assistant Prof, English V/VI
13 Dr. Ajaykumar AP Assistant Prof, Zoology V/VI
14 Rajesh K.P Assistant Prof, Physics V/VI
15 Dr. Ummer V.M & Dr. Muhammed Shah Assistant Prof, Arabic V/VI

All the allotted internal External and classes were completed on time (15 February 2020). The allotted funds (amount Rs.1,89,500) for SSP 2019-20 for the college has been completely utilized as on date.

Dr. Abdul Rasheed VT

SSP Co-ordinator

Scholar Support Programme  Report 2015-16

As per the result analysis published by the Department of Collegiate Education and discussion there on in the College Council, the college selected the following courses for the Programme during the academic year.

1st Semester

  1. Micro Economics I ( BA Economics)
  2. Mathematics Complementary I (B Sc. Chemistry & Physics)
  3. Modern Prose and Drama (English Common Course)
  4. Managerial Economics (BBA)
  5. Reading Poetry (BA Double Main)

2nd Semester

  1. Readings on Society(English Common)
  2. Complementary mathematics II (B Sc. Chemistry & Physics)
  3. Reading Prose (BA Double Main)
  4. Micro Economics II ( BA Economics)
  5. Financial Accounting (BBA)

3rd Semester

  1. Mathematics Complementary (B Sc. Chemistry & Physics)
  2. Native Media in English(English Common)
  3. Quantitative Techniques (BBA)
  4. Commercial Arabic (BA Arabic)
  5. Methodology of Sanskrit (BA Sanskrit)

4th Semester

  1. Vyakarana and Nyaya(BA Sanskrit)
  2. Mathematics Complementary IV (B Sc. Chemistry & Physics)
  3. Arabic Grammar ( BA Arabic)
  4. Financial management (BBA)
  5. Synergy(English Common)

5th semester

  1. Management Accounting(BBA)
  2. Evolution of Zoo Geography and Ecology (B Sc Zoology)
  3. Electronics (B Sc. Physics)
  4. Early India : state to Empire(BA Double Main)
  5. Bhagavatgeetha and Arthasastra (BA Sanskrit)

6th Semester

  1. Sankhya and Vedantha (BA Sanskrit)
  2. Nuclear Physics, Particles & Astrophysics (B Sc. Physics)
  3. Physiology, Molecular Biology (B Sc. Zoology)
  4. Income Tax Law and Practice (B Com)
  5. Literary Criticism and Theory(BA Double Main)

Scholars for the 3rd and 5th semester classes were selected by giving preference to those who are already there in the programme and intent to continue. New students were allowed to enroll instead of those who are not ready to be regular in the class. New students for 1st semester were selected on the basis of the requirements of the students for additional classes. Readiness of the students to attend class was given preference besides backwardness in studies while selecting students for SSP.

All the 50 sessions of 5th semester classes were completed by the Last week of November 2015. All 40 sessions each of third and First semester classes were completed by the second week of December 2015. Study materials were distributed for the course according to the availability and requirements. Completion of sessions evaluated in the monitoring committee meeting. All 50 sessions of 6th semester, 40 sessions of 4th semester and 40 sessions of 2nd semester classes are completed on 15th March, 2016.

Distribution of Study Materials

Study materials were distributed both in terms of Text books of (Even Semester) and in the form of printed study materials. An amount of Rs. 27000/- (Rupees twenty Seven thousand only) was spent for the distribution of printed study materials to the scholars during this academic year. This amount was spent for the printing of questions banks supplied by the programme manager and study materials prepared by the teachers. It was very helpful to them to prepare for university examinations.

Scholar Support Programme of this college had procured a few books using the balance fund of last year. These books are kept as a stock of study materials to be utilized by the students. Besides these books, questions banks supplied by the programme manager are also kept as stock and made available to the students.  But the Syllabus of the Calicut University has changed last year and so most of these sample question papers became useless.  No workshops for preparing the question papers of the changed syllabus have done during this academic year.

Fund Utilisation

Total allotment for the programme for this year is Rs. 186500/-. Total expenditure for the programme is also Rs. 186500/-. Out of this, Rs. 130000/- spent for remuneration to the members of faculty, Rs 27000/– for study materials, Rs. 3000/- for office stationery and printing, Rs 10000/-for providing light refreshment to students present, Rs 4500/- for providing stationery kit to students and  Rs. 12000/- to the coordinator as remuneration. Because of the impracticable rules, amount allotted for TA to students is also not spent. These amounts were used to provide study materials to students. The rate of fund utilization is 100%. The detailed statement of fund utilization is attached separately.

SSP Monitoring Committee

A monitoring committee was constituted by the college council to monitor and evaluate the progress of the programme and timely solving of the problem if any. Mr. Roy K.B. (Assistant Professor of Chemistry), Dr. Pushpadasan Kuniyil, Asst. Professor of Sanskrit, Mrs. Indu P.P., Assistant Professor of Commerce, Mrs. Seeja H. Assistant Professor and HoD of English and               Mrs Raseena K K, Assistant Professor of Economics and Coordinator of SSP are the members. The committee held three meeting during this academic year hitherto. The committee evaluated the progress and completion of the programme in the college.

Attendance of Students

Attendance of the students in the programme is better. There is 97% attendance in total. Attendance of all courses is high except a few courses like Readings on Society (II Sem. BA common English 80%), Mathematics Complementary (II sem. B Sc Complementary 90%) and Sankhya and Vedantha( BA Sanskrit 90%).

Achievements of the Programme

The programme gave opportunity to the weaker students to improve their study. High percent of attendance in classes indicates the need of students for remedial classes. The study materials, text books and question banks distributed to the students were very helpful to improve their study. Timely allotment of fund helped for the early starting of the classes. There were full hearted co-operation from the faculty members as well as students for the timely completion of the programme.

Limitations of the Programme

During the busy schedule of the CCSS, it was very difficult to conduct the courses on the basis of predetermined schedule. It compelled to reschedule the classes on the basis of the convenience of the students and teachers. Uniform time schedule was not possible because of the difficulty of the students to attend the programme. Many students suggested conducting the classes during 3.30-4.30 pm on working days. However, this time schedule was not appropriate to other students. Delay in university examinations especially those of first semester classes created another difficulty on the smooth conduct of the programme. Due to the syllabus change of the UG curriculum last year, most of the sample question papers became useless and it necessitate to conduct new workshops for preparing these.

Suggestions to Improve the Programme

  1. Timely allotment of fund is needed. Delay in releasing fund caused for shortage of time to work efficiently during the tight semester schedules.
  2. Norms shall be relaxed to invite experts from outside the college to take classes.
  3. There shall be flexibility in the number of students and the number of courses subject to the limitation of maximum number of hours and allotment.
  4. Workshop for the preparation of questions banks shall be organised at the University level.
  5. Transport allowance to students is not delivered because of the failure of producing tickets. Therefore, certain relaxation of rule is necessary. Statement and declaration from the student is sufficient to disburse the TA to students.

Coordinator, Scholar Support Programme 2015-16