Counseling Cell





Programme 1— Talk on “Life skill”

In a constantly changing environment, having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life.  To cope with the change of modern life, students need new life skills.  Counselling Cell of our college conducted a talk on the topic “Life Skill” on 10-10-2017 at 10am in the college auditorium by Dr.Latharaj.P ,Rtd.Principal, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam. The programme started with prayer and welcome speech was delivered by Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Convener, Counselling Cell. Principal Dr.Suma presided over the meeting. In her talk the Resource mentioned that life skill helps in the development of social competence and problem solving skills, which in turn help adolescents to form their own identity and it   can vary according to a person’s age or even their culture. The session concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr.SudheerKumar.P, Dept. of History. 620 students participated in the programme



Programme 2-Talk on “Know the life and love the life”

A talk was conducted on 1-02-2018 at 10am at college auditorium on the topic “know the life and love the life” .Dr.MohammedRafeeq, Councellor&Rtd.Principal, Govt. College, Kondotty was the chief guest of the programme.  The function started with the welcome speech of club Convener Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Dept. of Hindi.  Principal Dr. Sheela.S presided over the meeting.  In his key note address the chief guest suggestedto use a time management tool to coordinate all of our activities. To start loving our life, make a conscious decision to start thinking more positively. A total of more than 600 students have benefitted this programme.Students were given a self assessment questionnaire and they themselves scored the test. The results revealed their own emotional status to them.Dr.BinduMenon, Dept. of Commerce rendered vote of thanks. The talk was highly effective.



Co-ordinator-Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Hindi

Members: Dr.Resmi.M.R, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry

                    Dr.Thanooja.G, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Malayalam

                    Dr.Bindu Menon, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce

                    Dr.Sudheer Kumar.P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of History









Students of the college have been demanding remedies for the many stress related issues faced by them. The Counseling Cell took up the issue and  on 11-10-2018, a session was conducted at 2.00pm to address the issues mentioned above.The benefit group of the session was the first year students. The session was conducted at the college auditorium. Two eminent Consultant Psychologists of University of Calicut namely, Sri.Daniel M. Abraham and BrightilSabu.

The session commenced with the welcome speech by Dr.P.KPrathibha, convener, Counseling Cell. The function was presided over by Dr.S.Sheela; Principal of the college, the two experts interacted with the students jointly through many activities. Breathing exercises were provided to the students to relieve stress. Tips were given to alleviate examination related stress. They inform the students that how preparation for the examination should be done when the time was running out. How to find suitable time for studies. Also there were tips provide to improve memory. Friendship, according to the Psychologists provides better relief in times of need. Friends should be properly selected to better your personality. There was an elaborate discussion on how to control temper.

There was an interactive session as well to clear the doubts of the students. Many demanded follow up of the programme which was accepted by the Convener of the Counselling Cell. 500 students took part in thisprogramme. Dr.Sudheerkumar, member of the Cell delivered vote of thanks. The         Session           ended at    4.00PM.



A number of students of the college travel daily from and to the college by train. There were a lot of reports in the dailies about the problems faced by the travellers especially the girls. So the Counselling Cell took up the issue and a meeting of the students who travel by train was convened in the college at 2.30pm on 02/11/2018.

The Session started with the address of welcome by Dr.P.K.Prathibha, convener, Counselling Cell. The session after that were handled by Dr.Sudheerkumar and Dr.BinduMenon both Assistants Professors of the College. The sessions were interactive in nature and addressed the many issues of the Train travellers. The points discussed included safety matters, pick pocketing, teasing etc. emergency numbers of the RPF and the Police were given to the students in case of  emergency.The students were made aware of how to avoid embarrassing situations by properly behaving  in  journeys.11 students participated in the session.The Session ended at 3.30pm .Ms.Sithara Nair, student of the Double Main course delivered vote of Thanks.


Be Positive was a programme specially organized  on 30-11-2018  at 2pm for student representatives to develop the  quality of self esteem and self confidence .It was a group discussion led by the Counselling Cell to augment the inborn talents of the students.The programme was inaugurated by Dr.S.Sheela, Principal of the college and the sessions were controlled by Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Convener, Counselling Cell,  Dr.BinduMenon, Dept. of Commerce and Dr.Sudheer Kumar, Dept. of History.

Various instances of losing the confidence of the youngsters were discussed and the remedies  to tide over them were also put forth.Self esteem is the most important thing to be upheld by every person. There are many ways to make sure that your self esteem is ensured. Also there should be self confidence in life. Life is not a monotonous one. It is rather like a river with turbulence and during summer it is almost  dry. It is necessary for a person to be confident to face challenges in life.If challenges are met with confidence , one becomes a winner.Self esteem and confidence are twin things in life to lead it towards a preset goal.

Two representatives from each department were selected for this programme .There were 18 respresentatives.The student feedback was very encouraging.They said that the programme was very fruitful in finding the weaker sides of students. Some commented that more such programmes be conducted in future.The session ended at 3.30pm.



Students have long been demanding an interactive session on how to face examination.A separate session for this purpose was arranged on 11-02-2019 by the CounsellingCell.The experts of these sessions were Smt.Anupama, District Counsellor of Kudumbasree Snehita Gender Help Desk and Reshma, The Community Counsellor  also took part. Welcome Speech was delivered by Club Coordinator, Dr.P.K.PRATHIBHA, Assistant  Professor, Dept. of Hindi and Presidential address was given by Dr.M.R Resmi, Assistant professor, Department of Chemistry. The Programme was inaugurated by Dr.S.Sheels, Principal of the college.

The session was open for all the students .Interested ones were allowed to attend the session.Theprogramme was arranged at the seminar hall.There was an elaborate discussion on Examination .Different examinations, including the competitive ones are there.Normally competitive examinations are more stress- making ones.University examinations are comparatively comfortable since they are planned not to fail the participants.But still the students fear for a possible defeat.Preparation for examination is very imporatant.Prepare well before the examinations and find suitable strategies to face the examinations.Also there are tips to prepare notes and memorize the what students have learnt.The time for study is also relevant. Individual differences are also there in selecting time for studies. But it widely accepted that early morning is a better choice for studies.

The session started at 1.30pm and ended at 3.30pm. 65 students took part in the session. Thefeedback of the students was positive.




The previous experience with withSmt.Anupama, district Counsellor,KudumbasreeSnehiths Help Desk and Smt.Reshma,Community Counsellor inspired the Cell to seek another chance for them to interact with the students on another topic. A Motivation class namely Vision-2019 for the first semester students   was conducted on 08/03/2019.The time was most apt as the University examinations are around the corner. The college has about 60 first year students participated in the motivation class.

The resource persons made rapport with the participants and started their discussion with the goals of the students. Interestingly, there was much participation of the students in this part of the session. One has to be motivated throughout life because life is continuity from childhood to the old age. One has no escape from this.

Success in life can only be achieved through perseverance. Any attempt to break the continuity is a problem. To keep up the process of normality of the momentum, we have to get motivated. Motivations can be from any person or event. For example, Beethoven usually got inspired from the lightening and the fast winds to compose music. So motivations come from different directions. The most famous example of falling Apple on Newton’s head is widely mentioned even today, though there lacks authenticity.

The gathering began with welcome speech by Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Convener, Counseling Cell. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.S.Sheela, Principal of the college.Dr.Thanooja.G, Dept. of Malayalam presided over the function and the programmeended with vote of thanks by Dr.BinduMenon, member of the counseling Cell..There was also a feedback session in which 12 students participated. They expressed their happiness for having participated in a fruitful session conducted by the Counseling Cell. 60 students took part in this programme.The Programme started at 2pm and ended at 4.00pm.




PROGRAMME 1 Social Behavior and Social skills

In collaboration with Jeevani club College counseling cell of S N G S College Pattambi organized a class on social behavior and social skills by clinical psychologist Raisa Davison 31/01/2020. Ten teachers and more than 40 students participated in the class. It was very interactive. It was helped the students to understands the social skills.

PROGRAMME II. Mental Health Awareness Programme

20 students from the college participated in the mental health awareness programme conducted on November 20, 2019 at the Pattambi Taluk office.

Co-ordinator-Lathakumarim P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sanskrit.

Members:  Dr. P K Prathibha,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Hindi.

Dr.Thanooja.G, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Malayalam

 Dr.Bindu Menon, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce

  Raseena K K,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Ecconomics.Sharmila K Thankappan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sanskrit

                  Mini K,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sanskrit.

                  Dr,M R Resmi,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry.

                   Rajitha C R, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce.





 Students of the College have sought solutions to a number of problems related to the stress they face. By taking up the subject, College Counseling Cellorganized an awareness talk on Mental Diseases and Society by KR Ragi , Assistant Professor of English , Government Arts And Science College Meenchata Kozhikode on 18/02/2021 @ 2 pm in Google meet platform . The session commenced with the welcome speech by Smt. Lathakumari, Convener,Counselling Cell. The function was presided over by Smt. Prasanna P K, Vice Principal of the college. There was an interactive session as well to clear the doubts of the students. The talk and interaction with students helped a lot. Smt. Sharmila K Thankappan, member of the Cell delivered vote of thanks..