Women Cell

Women cell aims at empowering and orienting women to recognize their true potential and to help them attain their own stand in a competing world. Its goal is the overall development in all spheres of their life. The targeted group includes all UG, PG students, women from nearby community and primary and secondary level students of nearby schools.
Main objectives includes:-

  • To enhance self esteem and self confidence among women students and staff
  • To foster decision making ability
  • To increase awareness of women related social issues, health, employment and gender related matters
  • To realize role of women in building up of a healthy society


  • Organizing special lectures by women achievers and interaction with students
  • Workshops related to self employment of girl students
  • Encouragement in group activities by organizing events like food festival, vegetable cultivation etc


Women’s Cell Co-ordinator : Dr. Thanuja G Department of Malayalam

Women’s  Development Cell

In pursuance of the directions issued by the UGC and MHRD, the College has set up the Women Development Cell (WDC) with the following objective:

To provide and maintain a dignified, congenial working environment for women employees (including teaching, non-teaching and contractual workers) and students, where they can work, study and explore their potential to the fullest.

Any employees including faculty, staff, contractual, temporary, casual and student of Nirma University can approach the Women Development Cell.

Women’s  Development Cell Co-ordinator : Smt. Seeja H Department of English



Programme: 1-Awareness class

Awareness class related to various issues of women was conducted on 19-06-2015 under the leadership of members of Women’s Cell and Women Development Cell. The programme helped to create awareness among students on the issues relating to gender inequality, sexual harassmentetcand suggested ways to empower girls.Students were also informed about the members in the Women’s Cell & Women Development committee whom they could approach for  guidance.. In the interactive session, students openly discussed their problems.

Programme 2-Yoga Training Class

            Conducted ten days’ Yoga Training Class from  25-06-2015 to  8-07-2015   at the  seminar hall.Welcome speech was delivered by       Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Co-ordinator of women’s Cell. Sri.Punnus Jacob, Vice Principal presided over the meeting. Principal Sri.   K.Balan inaugurated the function.KumariO.K.MeghaJayan delivered a talk on the importance of yoga in the current society and in the practical session she introduced several asanas to the participants.Dr.V.K.Amala, Co-ordinator, Women Development Cell rendered vote of thanks.







Programme3- Personality Development Programme “Heartfulness”

The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits.Personality Development Programme named ‘Heartfulness’ was conducted from 9-7-2015 to 18-07-2015 at the Edusat room. Welcome speech was delivered by Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Co-ordinator of women’s Cell. Sri.Punnus Jacob, Vice Principal presided over the meeting. Principal Smt.P.N.AnithaKumari inaugurated the function.Sri.V.K.Muraleedharan, Assistant Professor of Commerce was the master trainer of the programme.In his talk he explained how  to stay balanced even in stressful situation.After that he tooka meditation class for teachers and students. The programmewas very fruitful and  was attended by  40 students and 28  teachers.








Programme4-Counselling class


As the world becomes busier and busier  the need for counselling increases It provides the tools and insights to manage mental health issues.Counselling Cell of our college Conducted a counselling class on  30-09-2015 at the college auditorium. Welcome speech was delivered by Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Co-ordinator of women’s Cell. Principal Smt.P.N.AnithaKumari inaugurated the function. Saranya, College Union representative offered felicitation.Dr.MallikaBalakrishnan, Teacher, KVR Higher Secondary School & Consultant Psychologist took the class. The class helped the students to use their existing problem solving skills more effectively and improve their mental health. 620 students participated in the training class.

Programme 5-Food Festival


Food Festival was conducted on 13-10-2015 at the seminar hall.  The programme began with thewelcome speech by Club Co-ordinator, Dr.P.K.Prathibha. It was inaugurated by Smt. P.K.Prasanna, HOD, Dept. of EconomicsThe exhibition helped the students to know more about indigenous food items of Kerala .All  students and staff very enthusiastically participated in the programme..Food Fest began at  9.30 am. There were 42stalls.Different types of veg &non veg items were displayed.  The food festival was a great success and enjoyed by all participants.The profit earned from the festival was used to distribute text books for the poor students of each department.Dr.V.K.Amala, Co-ordinator , Women Development Cell rendered vote of thanks.

Programme-6–Self defencing training programme

Students were taken to the ‘Woman Empowerment-Self Defencing Training Programme  to enable them to defend against any type of physical assault. The programmewasjointly conducted by the PattambiJanamaithri Police &Kerala Police Association Palakkad on 31-12-2015 at the Pattambi Municipal Auditorium. 34 students and 4 teachers participated in the programme.


Programme -7-Sports’ awareness programme

Conducted sports awareness programme on 05-01-2016.The programme began with the welcome speech of Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Co-ordinaor of Women’s Cell and Principal Smt. P.N.AnithaKumari inaugurated the function. The co-ordinators of both Cells’ explained the importance of sports in our life. The programmecongratulatedKumariVidya (student of VI semester BBA) who has participated in the Para jumping   training course held at Agra on September 2015. A momento was awarded to her by  PincipalSmt.P.N.Anithakumari  during this occasion.570 students attended the programme.







Programme-8-Training programme -“Personal Mastery”

UGC sponsored (Extention Activity Programme) training programme for preparing the students for competitive exams.IT was conducted on 02-02-2016 at the Edusat room on the topic ‘Personal Mastery’. Principal P.N.AnithaKumari inaugurated the function.Dr.SanathananVelluva, Associate Professor & Head of the Dept. of Economics, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri took the class. He mentioned major competitive exams conducting in the country along with preparation strategy, syllabus, list of the books for the exam preparation.65 Students tookpart in this programme. Students from other colleges were also participated in the programme.


Programme-9-Training programme on “Fashion Designing”


UGC sponsored (Competancy building programme) Income Generating Training Programme on ‘Fashion Designing’ was conducted from  05-02-2016 to  24-02-20 .Principal Smt.P.N.AnithaKuamri inaugurated the programme.Smt.Miji, Principal Woman’s Poli-technic was the master trainer of the programe. In this, training was given on beads work, glass painting, sari printing, fabric painting and  suthali doll making. 50 students participated in the training programme.









Programme-10-Talk on “Health through natural methods”

UGC sponsored (Extention activity programme) talk was conducted on 18-02-2016 on the topic ‘Health through natural methods’. Dr.P.A.Radhakrishnan, Chief Physician, ThirurGandhianPrakruthiChikithsalayam delivered the lecture..He spoke about diet, health, and nutrition and the need to develop healthy habits for a healthy mind and body.He explained the simple natural ways to improve our health and wellnessMany  local people from outside the college tookpart in the programme.


Programme-11-Exhibition & Woman’s Day celebration

Woman has a major role in shaping the society.Purpose of celebrating Women’s day is to raise the awareness about the status and dignity of women.Women’s Cell and Women Development Cell of our college conducted an exhibition and Celebrated the Woman’s Day on 08-03-2016 at  the  seminar hall.The programme began with prayer.Welcome speech was delivered by Women’s Cell Co-ordinatorDr.P.K.Prathibha followed by the presidential address by Dr.V.K.Amala, Convener, Women Development Cell. Principal Smt.P.N.AnithaKumari inaugurated the programme. Felicitations were offered by Smt.P.K.Prasanna, HOD, Dept. of Economics, Mohammed Hassir, college Union Chairman.Art &handicrafts, ornaments, glass painting made by the students of the college  were sold. The exhibition was a great success. 750 students participated in the programme.










Co-ordinator of Women’s Cell – Dr.P.K.Prathibha, Assistant Professor of Hindi

Co-ordinator of Women’s Development Cell – Dr.V.K.Amala, Assistant Professor of Sanskrit









Annual Report 2016-2017

SreeNeelakanta Government Sanskrit College

Women Cell and Women Development Cell


Women Cell and Women Development Cell are functioning in the College for the wellbeing of the women,girl students and,faculty members of the college. Both of these bodies are functioning  together in the campus and were very active in the academic year 2016-2017. A summary of activities in this period are given below.


Awareness talk by Dr.P.Geetha: Dr.P.Geetha ,Famous Malayalam Writer,Literary Critic and  social activist delivered a talk on the Topic ‘Judiciary Verdict and Women’. Principal Punnoos Jacob inaugurated the function.The talk was highly informative and useful.Held a healthy discussion on the topic. Hundred  and  were participated in the programme









International Women’s Day Celeberation: As part of International Women’s Day Celeberation,Women Cell and Women Development Cell Conducted a solo performance,”MannathiTheyyam” by SreejaArangottukara,famous drama activist and Kendra SangeethaNataka Academy Winner.The performance open up the pathetic situations faced by women in a partriacsociety.Held a healthy discussion after the Performance.

Annual Report 2017-2018

SreeNeelakanta Government Sanskrit College, Pattambi

Women Cell and Women Development Cell

Women Cell and women development cell are functioning in the college for the welfare of the women students, faculty members and non-teaching women staff. Both these bodies are functioning together in the campus. Many grievances raised by women in the campus are addressed and solved within the limits. The activities for the academic year 2017-2018 are summarised below.

Celebration of Balikadinam

National day for girls ‘Balikadinam’ was celebrated in the campus on October 11 in the college auditorium. Principal Dr. Suma addressed the students and shared her thoughts about the liberty of girl child in the Indian scenario. Dr. Kala B., Department of Malayalam expressed her views on gender equality. Ms. Asmia, first year post graduate student from economics department was selected as the student representative in the women cell.


Celebration of International Women’s Day:

Principal Dr. Sheela inaugurated the women’s day celebration on March 8th and as a part of this, a short film “Maa” was exhibited in the EDUSAT room.


Dr. Resmi M. R                                                                                                                  Ms. Seeja H,

Convenor -Women Cell                                                                                 Convenor- Women Development Cell

Annual Report 2018-2019

SreeNeelakanta Government Sanskrit College, Pattambi

Women Cell and Women Development Cell

Women Cell and Women Development cell are functioning in the college for the welfare of the women students, faculty members and non-teaching women staff in the college. Both these bodies are functioning together in the campus and were very active in the academic year 2018-2019. A summary of their activities in this period are given below.

Invited Talk by Dr. Geetha: Dr. Geetha, the famous women rights activist and former faculty member fromthe Dept. of Malayalam gave a talk on the topic ‘Woman and Society’. Principal Dr. Sheela inaugurated the function. Dr. Geetha discussed the various aspects of women’s status in thecontemporary Indian society.


Self-Defense Training:With an aim toempower women in the campus against the growing atrocities in the society, classes on self-defense techniques were organized on December 17, 2018. The classes were provided by a famous karate trainer Mohammed Ashiqueand his team. The simple techniques were very useful to boost the self-confidence of the participants.


Zumba Dance Training:Also in order toenhance the fitness of women students, introduction to an aerobic dance work-out program, Zumba dance was organized on the same day, December 17, 2018. Participants were enthusiastic and there was an active participation from girl students for the program.

Celebration of International Women’s Day: Women Cell and women development cell aim to provide a platform to young women to voice their thoughts and opinions and to share their experiences.As a part of the international women’s daycelebrations on March 8th,a debate was conducted on the topic ‘Modern Women’, andmany girls actively participated in the debate sharing their thoughts on various aspects of modern women. Women development cell convener, Ms. Seeja coordinated the debate.






Annual Report 2019-2020

SreeNeelakanta Government Sanskrit College, Pattambi

Women Cell and Women Development Cell

Women Cell and Women Development Cell are functioning jointly in SNGS College, Pattambiwith the aim to equip young women in the campus to attain various skills leading to their emotional, physical and mental freedom, self-esteem and the capacity to withstand the challenges they have to face in a basically male oriented society.Women cell and Women Development cell tryto help them to achieve thriving mile stones of success in their future life. The activities of the cells in the academic year 2019-2020 are summarized below.

Invited talk by Ms. Bindu D:An invited talk by Ms. Bindu D., women right activist and faculty member from the Dept. of Malayalam, Govt. College, Alappuzha on the topic ‘Gender Discrimination, Gender Status and Gender Justice” was organized in the college seminar hall on November 29, 2019. In her talk, she pointed out that violence against women can be effectively prevented only by addressing the root causes of gender inequality and discrimination.The speaker was introduced by women development cell convener Ms. Seeja. Principal M. Jothiraj, Vice-principal Ms. Prasanna and College Union Chairman Mr. Abhijith facilitated the function.






Effective maintenance of installed sanitary napkin vending machines and incineration units:Sanitary pads are expensive and with an aim to provide women in the campus quality sanitary pads in a cost effective way and to ensure the proper disposal of used sanitary pads in the campus, sanitarynapkin vending machines and incineration units were installed in the ladies waiting room with the financial support from the M. P. fund of honorable member of parliament from Palakkad constituency, Mr. M. P. Rajesh.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 lockdown situations in the state, we could not perform the women’s day celebrations in the campus on March 8.


Annual Report 2020-2021



The women empowerment and the establishment of gender equality can be considered as the two crucial factors in the progress of any nation. In SNGS College, Pattambi, for the past several years,Women Development Cell and Women Cell are functioning together and are conducting various programs with an objective to enable women in the campus to accomplish equality and equal opportunities in all walks of life. The welfare of the women students, faculty members and non-teaching women staff in the college are the primary objective of all the programs conducted by the women cell and women development cell. The organized programs consist of varied academic, technical, medical, cultural and social events which can ultimately lead to the upliftment of women in the society.In spite of the ongoing covid pandemic situation, in 2021, we were able conduct a couple of programmes.Women cell, Women Development cell, NSS Unit and Jeevani Cell of the college jointly organized the programmes on March 8, as part of the women’s day celebrations.

Talk by psychologist Betzy: Betzy, the psychologist in charge of the Jeevani Cell of our college, gave a motivational talk on the topic ‘Positive thinking and stress management’. Principal in charge, Associate professor Dileep C. D. inaugurated the function. The psychologist discussed the various aspects of stress management and the ways to move on from the failures of life.

Self-Defense Training: With an aim to empower women in the campus against the growing atrocities they have to face in the walks of their lives, classes on self-defense techniques were organized on March 8, 2021. The self-defence classes were provided by a famous karate trainer Arjun. The simple techniques demonstrated by him, different methods to escape from attacks from anti-socials were very useful for women participants to overcome their fears and boost their self-confidence .Girl students participated actively in the training class.








































Thahira P                                                              Dr Resmi M R

Convener                                                              Convener

Women Development Cell                                    Women Cell