Research: Dept of Zoology

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Dr. Rema L.P       Dr. Ajaykumar A.P     Dr. Abdul Rasheed V.T


Dr. Rema.L.P

a) Research publications

  1. Metallothionein or metallothionein like proteins and heavy metal detoxification in Oreochromismossambicus (Peters) – Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol.34, 527 – 530 June 1996.
  2. Accumulation of an essential metal (Zinc) and a nonessential metal (mercury) in different tissues of Oreochromismossambicus (Peters) – Indian Journal of Experimental Biology   Vol.35, January 1997.
  3. Effects of zinc and mercury on some metabolically important enzymes of Oreochromismossambicus (Peters) – Fishery Technology Vol.36 (5) 8-12, 1999.
  4. Stability of lysosomal membrane as an index of heavy metal stress – Proceedings of the “National Conference on Wetland Biodiversity” organized by St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, LAK, IAAB, Hyderabad and sponsored by KSCSTE  & DST on 2nd and 3rd February 2006.
  5. Effect of zinc & mercury on the lysosomal membrane stability of  Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters)- Nature, Environment &Pollution Technology,Vol.10(3) , 423-426, 2011.
  6. Effect of zinc and mercury on some metabolically important enzymes of Oreochromismossambicus–  Indian Journal of GeoMarine Sciences, Vol. 41 (4),377-380, Aug.2012.

a) Post doctoral Research publications.

  1. Cysts of Bangkok hemorrhagic disease (BHD) in thymus of chicken – Proceedings of the National Symposium on “Impact of Environmental Pollution on Health and Production of Livestock, Poultry and Wildlife” and XIII Annual Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary & Sciences. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture &Technology,Pantnagar.
  2. Heterophil lymphocyte ratio as a measure of stress in two strains of chicken – Journal of   Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28, 37–38, 1997.
  3. Hormone profile associated with pathological conditions of the reproductive system in white leghorns – Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advances in Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology conducted November 9 –11, 1998, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy, by Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists.
  4. Histological observation of cysts in the pituitary in egg-bound condition of layers – Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advances in Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology conducted onNovember 9 –11, 1998, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy by Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists.
  5.  “Confirming the validity of mussel watch programme” – presented in the National Seminar on Aquaculture, Harvest and Post Harvest Technology and Ecosystem Management – 6-7 January, 2000Conducted by Dept. of Zoology, NSS Hindu College, Changanassery and published in the News letter BIOS.
  6. Studies on the role of Ninhydrin positive substances in adaptation to salinity stress in Anabas testudineus– Journal of Zoological Society of Kerala, Vol.13 (1&2), 15-20, 2010.
  7. Comparative studies on the lysosomal lability index of three animals belonging to different phyla –Journal of Marine Biological Association of India 53(1):135-138, Jan.-June 2011.
  8. Comparison of antimicrobial activity of medicinal plant extracts with a commercial  Antibiotic – Nayana Gopal & Rema.L.P– Scientia. Vol.8, No. 1 Jan-Dec 2012
  9. Rema.L.P. and Mary Sabitha Effect of plant extracts on the heavy metal induced stress in Oreochromismossambicus-, Vol.11, No.3, 381-384,2012. Nature,     Environment and Pollution Technology
  10. Seby Sam and Rema.L.P., Abstract of    26 thSwadeshi Science  Congress held at CMFRI 7,8,9 November 2016 on Plasmid mediated antimicrobial resistance pattern of Salmonella species isolated from marine fish samples
  11. Seby Sam and Rema.L.P., Abstract in the proceedings of the International conference on Frontiers in Bioscience 2017. Plasmid mediated antimicrobial resistance pattern of Salmonella species isolated from the gut of Indian mackerel.
  12. A Review on the influence of injudicious use of vehicles on climatic pattern – Scientia Vol.14 No.1, Jan-dec 2018, ISSN 0976-8289

b) Books published:

  1. Applied Biotechnology2006. A text book published by MJP Publishers , Chennai, ISBN No. 8180940128, Pages 414, Cost – Rs.240/-
  2. Mammals2012A text book published by MJP Publishers, Chennai,  ISBN No. 9788180941009, pages 299, cost- 320/-

c) Proceedings edited      

  1. Editor of the “Proceedings of the National Workshop on WasteDisposal through Vermi-composting” published by the Dept. ofZoology, KKTM. Govt. College, Kodungallur. DEC.2004
  2. Editor of the “Proceedings of the National Seminar on “Bioinformatics ” published by the Dept. of Zoology,Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam. JANUARY 2011

d) Chapter Contributions

  1. Chapters on Zoogeography in the text book – KERALA ECOLOGY, 2013 Zoological Society Study material published by Zoological Society of Kerala.
  2. A chapter “Common Amphibians and Reptiles of Kerala”, page 863-874- Introduction to Kerala studies- A multidisciplinary Reference book for Universities and Malayali Diaspora, 2012edited by- J.V. Vilanilam, Antony Palackal and Sunny Luke, Published by International Institute for Scientific and Academic Collaboration, Inc., New Jersey, USA.

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 Dr. A.P. Ajay Kumar

Publication Post-Doc

  1. A.P. Ajaykumar , M. Gokuldas  and V.S. Binitha, (2018). Hyperlipaemic response of topically applied synthetic neuropeptides in the plant bug Iphita limbata Stål (Pyrrhocoridae: Heteroptera). J. ent. Res., 42 (4) : 525-528 
  2. V.S. Binitha , M.S. Smina , A.P. Ajaykumar and Mani Shankar Babu. (2018).Toxic effect of   malathion on the fresh water common carp catla catla. J. Adv. Zool. 2018: 39(2) : 108-112.
  3. P. Haridasan, M. Gokuldas, A. P. Ajaykumar. (2017): Antifeedant effects of vitex negundo l. leaf extracts on the    stored product pest, tribolium castaneum h. (coleoptera: tenebrionidae). Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 9, Issue 3, 17-22.
  4. M. Gokuldas, A. P., Ajaykumar, D. Umadevi, V. s., Binitha, K. M., Ismail and K. A. Rasheed. (2013): Identification of an AKH/RPCH family peptide in the rice grasshopper, Hieroglyphus banian (Acrididae: Orthoptera). Journal of Entomology. 10(2), 95-102.
  5. D. Umadevi, KUA. Rafeeq, A. P. Ajaykumar, K.M, Ismail, K. A, Rasheed and M. Gokuldas: (2013). Identification and structure characterization of a hyperlipaemic neuropeptide from the Mango leaf Webber, Orthaga exvinaceae Hampson. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular biology. 3 (3): 304-313.

From PhD and Earlier

  1. A.P. Ajaykumar and M. Gokuldas. (2011).Primary structure of an adipokinetic neuropeptide from the rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros L (Coleoptera: Dynastidae). Annals of  Neurosciences, 18 (3), 100-104.
  2. A.P. Ajaykumar and M. Gokuldas. (2011).Elucidation of the Primary Structure of an Adipokinetic Neuropeptide from the Coffee Locust, Aularches miliaris L. (Pyrgomorphidae: Orthoptera). International Journal of Biological chemistry, 5 (2):127-135.
  3. A. P. Ajaykumar and M. Gokuldas. (2011).Amino acid sequence of an adipokinetic neuropeptide from th plant bug, Iphita limbata. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular biology. 1(4): 349-358.
  4. V.S.Binitha, K.V. Lazar and A.P.Ajaykumar (2010): Acute effects of carbaryl on total protein and phosphatases in the hemolymph of heteroteran bug,   Iphita limbata Stal.  Journal of Advanced Zoology. Vol. 31 (2).
  5. V.S. Binitha, K.V. Lazar and A.P.Ajaykumar (2012): Imine formation in the hemolymph of a heteroteran bug,   Iphita limbata Stal, after topical application of carbaryl, Journal of Advanced Zoology,Vol. 33 (1):13-15
  6. V.S.Binitha, K.V. Lazar and A.P. Ajaykumar (2012):  Chronic effect of carbaryl on the levels of glucose, total protein and total free amino acids in the reproductive system of plant bug, Iphita limbata Stal (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae). journal of Entomological Research.36 (4):359-362.
  7. V.S.Binitha and A.P. Ajaykumar (2012):  Toxic effects of three synthetic pesticides on survival and behaviour of a brackish water fish,  Etroplus Suratensis. Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Monitoring 22 (2). 149-154.
  8. D. Umadevi, M. Gokuldas, A. P., Ajaykumar, (2012): Hyperlipaemic and hyperglycemic effects of a metabolic peptide hormone from the neuronal tissues of the mango leaf webber, Orthaga exvinaceae .International Research journal of Pharmacy, 3(2), 271-276.


  1. Insect Adipokinetic Neuropeptides, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.

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Dr. Abdul Rasheed VT

Publication Post-Doc

  1. Divya, M. S., Rasheed, V. A., Schmidt, T., Lalitha, S., Hattar, S., James, J., 2017. Intraocular Injection of ES Cell-Derived Neural Progenitors Improve Visual Function in Retinal Ganglion Cell-Depleted Mouse Models. Front Cell Neurosci. 11, 295.
  2. Sreekanth, S., Rasheed, V. A., Soundararajan, L., Antony, J., Saikia, M., Sivakumar, K. C., Das, A. V., 2017. miR Cluster 143/145 Directly Targets Nrl and Regulates Rod Photoreceptor Development. Mol Neurobiol. 54, 8033-8049.
  1. Dhanesh, S. B., Subashini, C., Riya, P. A., Rasheed, V. A., James, J., 2017. Pleiotropic Hes-1 Concomitant with its Differential Activation Mediates Neural Stem Cell Maintenance and Radial Glial Propensity in Developing Neocortex. Cereb Cortex. 27, 3943-3961.
  2. Divya, T. S., Lalitha, S., Parvathy, S., Subashini, C., Sanalkumar, R., Dhanesh, S. B., Rasheed, V. A., Divya, M. S., Tole, S., James, J., 2016. Regulation of Tlx3 by Pax6 is required for the restricted expression of Chrnalpha3 in Cerebellar Granule Neuron progenitors during development. Sci Rep. 6, 30337.

From PhD and Earlier

  1. Rasheed, V. A., Sreekanth, S., Dhanesh, S. B., Divya, M. S., Divya, T. S., Akhila, P. K., Subashini, C., Chandrika Sivakumar, K., Das, A. V., James, J., 2014. Developmental wave of Brn3b expression leading to RGC fate specification is synergistically maintained by miR-23a and miR-374. Dev Neurobiol. 74, 1155-71.
  2. Srivastava, N., Venugopalan, V., Divya, M. S., Rasheed, V. A., James, J., Narayan, K. S., 2013. Neuronal differentiation of embryonic stem cell derived neuronal progenitors can be regulated by stretchable conducting polymers. Tissue Eng Part A. 19, 1984-93.
  3. Divya, M. S., Roshin, G. E., Divya, T. S., Rasheed, V. A., Santhoshkumar, T. R., Elizabeth, K. E., James, J., Pillai, R. M., 2012. Umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells consist of a unique population of progenitors co-expressing mesenchymal stem cell and neuronal markers capable of instantaneous neuronal differentiation. Stem Cell Res Ther. 3, 57.
  4. Indulekha, C. L., Divya, T. S., Divya, M. S., Sanalkumar, R., Rasheed, V. A., Dhanesh, S. B., Sebin, A., George, A., James, J., 2012. Hes-1 regulates the excitatory fate of neural progenitors through modulation of Tlx3 (HOX11L2) expression. Cell Mol Life Sci. 69, 611‑27.

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